Example sentences of "she [vb past] see [pron] [det] " in BNC.

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1 She 'd seen him many times then , everyone else had dropped him , and only moneyed privilege had kept him out of the gutter .
2 The sailors swarmed like ants over the rigging … she 'd seen them many a time .
3 When she came to see you that
4 And before that , she had seen him several times .
5 She had seen it all before — last night 's high spirits turned to this morning 's hangover , last night 's gay blades to green-faced ghosts , last night 's belles of the ball to tousled tarts with smudged lipstick and laddered tights .
6 Oh she knew , she had seen it all .
7 The cream stucco on the houses — the imposing pillared porches with their black-and-white tiled steps ; she felt as if she had seen it all before in a dream .
8 Her final rotation had been on the emergency ward , and she had seen it all .
9 She had seen it that morning , black and sleek , leaving hardly a ripple behind it , slipping silently away on the morning tide .
10 Reluctantly she admitted that she wanted to see him all the time .
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