Example sentences of "she [vb past] on [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Viola was beaming benevolently as she read on into the last column .
2 She read on to the story of holidays at Blackpool and Filey , a trip to London , and the gradually expanding horizons which writing brought to Walter .
3 Deliberately she pushed the letter to the bottom of the pile , to save it for later while she got on with the work which awaited .
4 And she rode on down the path into the teeth of the arrogant crowd who had blackballed John 's and her application for membership .
5 But she clung on to the post , her body sinking to the floor , oblivious to the groans that issued from her own throat , and the words that formed on her lips .
6 She passed on to the next sheet .
7 She passed on up the street liking and not being detained by the people there and reached her house .
8 She peered on to the stage , but they were n't there .
9 Satisfied with this flimsy explanation for the time being , she moved on to a more intimate subject : herself .
10 Smiling as she surveyed the posters on the walls of the twins ' bedroom — obviously Peter Rabbit was still popular here in New York ! — she moved on to the much larger main bedroom .
11 ‘ About half-an-hour before Paris , ’ she answered , and he was relieved when she moved on down the aisle .
12 Holding her tray high , she moved on down the passageway .
13 She fastened on to the person whose house it was like the Old Man of the Sea in ‘ Sinbad the Sailor ’ . ’
14 Another friend puts all her bits and pieces like grooming brushes and fly repellent in an old door manger , which she fastened on to the door .
15 She sank on to the bed and closed her eyes , ideas racing through her mind .
16 And suddenly he had a maenad in his arms , fighting him , screaming , striking at him , the tears running down her face which fear had made unrecognisable , pushing him away , and when he let her go , for very decency 's sake , because he saw no way to calm her unless he did , she sank on to the sofa , still sobbing and crying , her face hidden in a cushion , her whole body heaving and shaking .
17 Then with a sigh she sank on to the hyacinth-coloured bedspread , feeling the soft springs of the mattress bounce beneath her weight .
18 Feeling Paul 's desolation keenly , she sank on to the settee , gazing at the closed door .
19 Once inside , she sank on to the quilted bench opposite the marble vanity and stared at her reflection .
20 There 'd be no happy ending to this story of the handsome prince and the beautiful princess , she thought as she sank on to the bed .
21 ‘ You need your eyes tested , ’ she said to herself finally as she trudged on up the steps , the melting ice-creams dripping all over her fingers .
22 One day , she drove on to a roundabout , and could not figure out which exit to take .
23 She tried to cheer up as she drove on to the ferry because — having caved in instantly and completely when Cara had asked ‘ Would you let me down — now ? ’ she had ensured that Cara could fly to Barney certain of one thing , if nothing else : that , her word given , she would not let her down .
24 That was below the belt , but instead of stopping there while she was still in one piece , she drove on in a high , hectoring voice , ‘ Do n't you think your daughter deserves a little rest instead of going home to slave for you after she 's been working all week ? ’
25 Sandra Peden , her that works in the Co-operative she 's a Gold Medallist in Elocution you know , well wait till I tell you she came on in a long Laura Ashley nightdress carrying a Wee Willie Winkie candlestick with wee pink bedsocks and a matching pompom hat and did Holy Willie 's Prayer .
26 ‘ I 'm going to cry until I 'm ill ! ’ and she dropped on to the floor , her shoulders shaking and the tears rolling down her face .
27 She stood looking after him for a moment ; then she dropped on to an upturned box , and bending her head into the folds of flesh under her chin , she asked of herself why she had to do this .
28 Looking round for somewhere to hide the wrecked toy she climbed on to a chair and put the doll on top of the nursery cupboard .
29 And , as she climbed on to the train , she was glad she was going home .
30 Under Allen 's guidance she climbed on to an oak that grew by the ford , clambered along a branch , and swung easily into a chestnut .
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