Example sentences of "she [vb past] a long [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although she lived a long way from the town , she seldom missed Brownie Pack Meeting .
2 Digging into the pocket of her jacket , she produced a long silver whistle and placed it firmly between her lips , and Fran had to swallow an almost hysterical gurgle of laughter as she saw the expression of near-disbelief on Luke Calder 's face .
3 She drew a long breath , twisting her hands .
4 When finally he released her she drew a long breath and mumbled inarticulately into his shirt front , ‘ I do n't know what 's wrong with me .
5 She drew a long breath .
6 She drew a long breath .
7 Taking comfort from the thought , she drew a long breath and Giles turned .
8 She drew a long breath .
9 At last , seeing the impatient glint in his eyes , she drew a long breath and said , ‘ I 've been thinking things over — thinking very deeply — and I 've come to the conclusion that your idea of merging our two practices is , after all , the most sensible solution to our problem . ’
10 She drew a long breath .
11 She never for a moment thought of deserting French for Mrs Hill , having encountered amongst other things some nasty problems about the nature of electricity , but she did enjoy the sensation of flirtation : she spent a long time making her mind up , and finally was summoned by the headmistress , who told her she ought to stick to Sciences , because they offered better prospects .
12 The shower was wonderfully soothing and afterwards she spent a long time drying her hair and putting on her make-up .
13 She spent a long time in the bathroom .
14 She spent a long time near the gate these days , but the snow had driven her indoors at last .
15 She spent a long evening working with Philip , as his assistant , handing him tools , holding steady the beam of a powerful torch .
16 Her name was Louise , she said , as she grabbed a long kiss , tongue first .
17 Educated privately at her homes at Parkwern and Hendrefoilan she inherited a long family tradition of unorthodox and innovative ideas .
18 She wore a long raincoat which drooped from her thin shoulders and she carried a small overnight bag .
19 She took a long drink of her tea and then continued , ‘ Anyway , she 'll go before long , never fear . ’
20 Unused to spicy food , she took a long mouthful of the gin and tonic , which she could now no longer even taste , then very deliberately she finished the chicken wing and ate another one .
21 She took a long time to dress .
22 There was a lot to look at , so she took a long time coming back after school , stopping to watch the men mending holes in the roads , to watch the demolition team with their mighty metal ball swinging on its chain from the crane clearing the bomb-site , to watch carpenters erecting wooden hoardings around the cleared sites to keep the people out , to see bill-stickers on ladders pasting huge coloured pictures on to the hoardings .
23 And she took a long time to answer it .
24 She took a long draw on her cigarette , looking at me curiously .
25 She died a long time ago .
26 She felt a long way away from him , and superior , also .
27 When he had vanished from sight she expelled a long sigh and allowed the mask to slip away from her face , slowing returning to her towel and lying down flat on it .
28 She gave a long sigh .
29 They went out quietly and she gave a long sigh of relief .
30 She waited a long time ; so long , she must have fallen asleep , for the next thing she knew the room was in darkness , and Connor was in bed beside her .
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