Example sentences of "she [vb past] and [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She chose the multicolour puffball creation for her London wedding to computer programmer Danny Daggenhurst who she met and fell in love with a year ago .
2 The king 's eldest daughter , Isabella , long remained unmarried but in the early 1360s she met and fell in love with Enguerrand de Coucy , a French nobleman who came to England in 1360 as a hostage for the payment of John II 's ransom .
3 On set she met and fell in love with her screen husband , Branagh , and they announced they were to marry in 1989 .
4 She turned on the charm to all she met and grinned at cameramen , seeming to know instinctively when the best pictures were being taken .
5 Their feelings were intense , and he made love to her with an ardour she met and matched with a fiery passion that consumed them both in a blaze of glory .
6 She argued and pleaded with him , and warned Carolyn to keep Alan away from the house .
7 Jay lived best when inspired ; for her love had always been the inspiration ; she lived and wrote from passion , passion which led to the abyss .
8 To this she agreed and sat for Deverell , William Holman Hunt [ q.v. ] , and for ( Sir ) John Everett Millais [ q.v. ] as the drowned Ophelia .
9 The return to speech and motion had cost Ariel so much that when Kit had gone , she choked and vomited from the pit of her belly until green bile came up and burned her .
10 It was a risk , for she might well have run headlong into him on the first floor landing , but she had luck , and was round the next turn of the stairs when she checked and froze against the wall , hearing his rapid steps on the oak treads below her .
11 Furiously she rubbed , unknowing that she passed and repassed over the same bright spot , while the images came and went , flitting through .
12 Deciding business before pleasure , she dismounted and walked up the front drive of the vicarage .
13 She bent and fiddled with a machine at her feet .
14 ‘ I do n't know how ! ’ she shouted and rose to her feet to get away from him but he twisted there before her , his hands on her shoulders and his brown-black eyes blazing down into hers .
15 When she had the hackles high on her shoulders , when she whined and scratched at the back door , then the house was watched .
16 She rose and came towards him shyly .
17 She rose and went to her aunt and put her arms round her shoulders .
18 She rose and went to the window , still in the half-real state induced by daytime sleeping , and looked out at the darkening world where the yellow glow of a lamp in the yard showed Jem was milking .
19 She rose and stalked across the room , snatched her brush from the vanity table and dragged it through her hair with harsh , angry strokes .
20 She rose and stooped for the shell .
21 She rose and walked through corridors , noticing how the stone walls seeped moisture .
22 She rose and stared through the window to the hills outside , to the sea running gently into the embracing arms of the bay .
23 ‘ I do n't understand what that means , Nicolo , ’ Caroline said , as she rose and stood beside him .
24 She rose and stood before him .
25 She rose and moved to the window and stared out into the silent square .
26 She rose and hurried to the door and opening it saw not Craig but the small figure of Will Davies crouching in the street .
27 She grieved for her father and worried about Maggie , but most of all she fumed and cried over the affair with James Halden .
28 Old Ranza , a very large and mostly white collie , sighed by her chair as she hummed and hawed at the cottage sketch .
29 She stopped and jabbed at O'Hara 's machine with her umbrella .
30 She stopped and looked at the garden ; inside the square was a circle of flower beds .
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