Example sentences of "she [vb past] [conj] [vb past] for " in BNC.

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1 To this she agreed and sat for Deverell , William Holman Hunt [ q.v. ] , and for ( Sir ) John Everett Millais [ q.v. ] as the drowned Ophelia .
2 She rose and stooped for the shell .
3 Instinct attached my hands to the reins as she accelerated and headed for home with me in tow .
4 She turned and headed for home .
5 She turned and started for the door .
6 She filled her place , she fetched and carried for him , but any tame girl would have done as well .
7 She thought and thought for some time , and then she smiled .
8 He scrubbed at his face with the handkerchief she offered and gulped for air .
9 She flapped and fretted for the remainder of the meal .
10 ‘ And first of all , I 'm going to climb through the window , ’ she said and reached for a stack of sacking which had been thrown down near the wall and which , piled carefully , might enable her to reach the sill .
11 She shrugged and reached for her cheroot .
12 As she began to choke she kicked and struggled for breath before tumbling down into nowhere .
13 She had the guts to decide what she wanted and went for it in an open , una-shamed way .
14 Diana looked half-frozen herself and battled with a useless umbrella ; the feather on her hat began to flop , yet she stayed and chatted for longer than ever , as if to reward the people for their patience .
15 As she sat and waited for Clelia , she looked out across the park , at the spring trees , and tried to concentrate on her Spanish .
16 Then , huddling deep into the eiderdown , she sat and waited for the dawn .
17 She wondered , as she sat and waited for her boss to come for her , whether he would mention meeting Miguelito last night .
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