Example sentences of "she [vb past] [adv] been [adj] " in BNC.

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31 She had n't been strong on words .
32 If she had n't been due at her craft class at eleven that morning she would have called back later , but as that was n't possible she 'd phone .
33 He had hardly ever seen her naked since the first days of their marriage , and she had n't been anxious to show herself even then .
34 They would n't have got married if she had n't been pregnant , so the baby has done something good .
35 That despairing bleat touched a heart she had n't been sure still existed .
36 She had n't been privy to the goings on at the opposite end of the table , but she had a distinct , almost tactile memory of the girl fleeing , the usual calm repose of her features fractured .
37 He had set down the bag of washing on the floor between his feet , for she had n't been able to manage the washing since last year 's fall .
38 Previously she had n't been able to work out whether he was or not .
39 For a long time after she had died , she had n't been able to think about her at all , it had been so awful , but now she could .
40 And if she had n't been able to judge this from their dress , she would have from their voices as , one following the other , they said , ‘ Good evening . ’
41 She always said she could n't have gone to Brownies at all if she had n't been able to cycle , for the distance was too far for her to walk , and there was no bus .
42 She had n't been able to read the signature at the bottom of the page , and that seemed wrong , somehow .
43 She had n't been able to read anything from the ice-chips that stared back at her .
44 She had been interrupted , she had n't been able to make him understand exactly what had happened to Christina .
45 Last summer when she had gone in search of Andrzej 's son , she had n't been able to bring herself to speak to him .
46 All that time , and she had n't been able to get him to look at her .
47 She had n't been home and she had n't been able to call in .
48 No wonder she had n't been able to find the door handle .
49 It was a pity that she had n't been able to use one of his handkerchiefs , a strand of his hair .
50 This time the hoof caught me half way up the shin bone , She had n't been able to get so much height into it but it was just as painful .
51 She had n't been able to decide whether he looked Mediterranean , Middle Eastern , or simply overwhelmingly , barbarously alien …
52 He could see from her face that that really hurt , and also that it was something she had n't been able to work out satisfactorily for herself .
53 She had n't been able to save Antoinette .
54 Anne had seen her going into my room , and she had n't been able to bear it .
55 But she had n't been able to hear what he said for the roaring in her ears .
56 With Julius , though , it had always been so very physical , and she had n't been able to stop herself from responding to that great flood of passion .
57 All those nights when she had n't been able to sleep seemed to be catching up with her .
58 Mrs had got home in her jeep with just chauffeur and one extra bodyguard , defying the pleas of the other wives , some half an hour after Kaptan and I had left with the Corporal , but she had n't been able to get the Colonel on the military net for nearly two hours after that .
59 She 'd known that it was childish behaviour on her part , but she had n't been able to help herself .
60 She had n't been able to stomach a great deal at breakfast , not after everything that had happened ; now she was starving .
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