Example sentences of "she [vb past] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She lisped over the telephone , ’ Congratulations , daddy , on being elected to the national executing committee of the Labour party ’ .
2 She was a bonny young 'un , right enough , and from a bonny mother , from what she had glimpsed of that lass as she skidded down the road with the polis after her .
3 ‘ Lincolnshire , really , though we live in London now , ’ she whispered into the darkness .
4 ‘ Hosanna , ’ she whispered into the street .
5 ‘ Goodbye , my love , ’ she whispered into the silence .
6 " La monasterie " she whispered across the aisle , " ce n'est pas belle . "
7 ‘ It 's all right ’ she whispered under the noise , and he settled down again on his side with his back to her .
8 ‘ I love you , ’ she whispered under the din of other people 's exclamations about the phenomenal machine .
9 Would you please be my friend ? ’ she whispered to the robin .
10 The queer feeling came over her , that choking feeling in her throat which she experienced in the night , when she was lying awake trying to recall and piece together dim , fleeting memories of another time in which she had lived , when things had been both happy and sad , when angry broken sentences would not meet and so explain the odd pictures that formed in her mind .
11 Without her I would n't be here , ’ she admitted at the time .
12 At first , she felt bereft , because all her friends were working and the people she met during the day were a generation older .
13 In the NI 's first editorial by a woman , Maggie Black described the beauty of a 15-year-old Ethiopian girl she met on the road to Selekleka and mourned the transience of that beauty ‘ if policies do n't change fast enough to avoid her back being bent , her hands calloused , her body broken , by the time she is 30 ’ .
14 For the Ulster woman has spent the past year trying to adopt the pretty five-year-old she met in the dark and desolate corridors of a Romanian orphanage .
15 No matter who she met in the future , that walk in the lemon-scented night with him would be one part of her she would never share with anyone .
16 As I clambered into the boat , moored near her big yacht , Lucy took the bottles of beer and Coca-Cola and put them into an open net bag which she lowered over the side , tying the net with a long rope to a hook on the gunwale .
17 Early on , Mary Pat Kelly became fascinated by what she read about the film which Scorsese made when he was still a student .
18 She read about the Battle of Britain ; and it was n't any longer an old man 's war , dear to her father 's heart , and a cause , in earlier days , of much laughter and secret nods and winks between she and her brother .
19 Well , this Christine is from Haslington Machine Knitting Club and when she read about the plight of the Romanians she resolved to do something about it — but what ?
20 At the beginning of each week she read through the Radio Times and TV Times and ringed the programmes that she wanted to see .
21 She read to the end .
22 Cow-Keeping in India , " she read from the spine of a volume that had suffered from damp .
23 " Practical Taxidermy , " she read from the spine of another .
24 ‘ She 'd have a lot to get used to at first , ’ Rose said absently as she scanned through the letter .
25 For the first time I had an opportunity of seeing Barbara at work in detailed negotiations , and whatever small credit attached to me for the major idea , the scale and ingenuity that she expended on the detail and in making it possible to arrive at a suitable settlement was beyond praise .
26 She quivered at the slide of his hand around the sensitive skin behind her ears , and tried to shake his hands off her hair without success .
27 Quick as a flash , she lunged inside the box for the sheet of paper which she 'd seen there .
28 Now her head dipped as she pried at the fissure of a half-split nail .
29 She blabbed to the Press and they hounded me until I left the country .
30 Without thinking , she plunged into the mob , caught hold of the leather-worker and tried to drag him away from his assailants .
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