Example sentences of "she [vb past] [pron] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She slanted him a scornful glance .
2 She flung him a savage little smile .
3 She met him a few days after she started the job .
4 He begged her not to miss the party they were invited to on his account , so she made him a hot drink , turned on the TV and , making no bones about it , said she would be back in the morning .
5 Going through to the kitchen , she made herself a hot drink , and carried it into the room where the fire was at last beginning to heat up the air a little .
6 Later she made herself a light salad for lunch and ate it on the terrace .
7 As this thing got near the end obviously making for her side , away from the door , she realised what the round blob was — ; it was the nub of the umbrella they had bought their daughter .
8 She were laughing when I showed her that letter I got , cos she got one the same morning , , she said , and it said , and you can go round and talk to him .
9 And Mrs Fawcett came rushing up to the hospital with the perfect solution : she lent me a battery-operated portable radio .
10 Perhaps if she asked him a simple , straightforward question she would receive a simple , straightforward answer in return .
11 It was of course my mother , and she asked me the same questions as my neighbour .
12 She tried not to imagine his sympathetic brown eyes looking into hers , and his disarming smile when she spoke to him , perhaps their hands touching as she passed him the local anaesthetic — This is no use ! she admonished herself , rubbing energetically at a stainless steel trolley .
13 And apparently she phoned her the other night at half past twelve and said can you come and pick me up ? said no .
14 She bore him a third son , but a difficult carriage and birth presaged troubles which eventually cost her her life in her forties .
15 Her hand came up and she caught him a stinging blow across the cheek , watching without a flicker as the mark turned first white , then red .
16 The last years of her life were divided between Bermuda and Plandome , Long Island , where she built herself an Italian-style villa and where she died 29 October 1924 .
17 She found him a new toothbrush in its unbroken wrap , and said , ‘ It 's a pity about Sir George .
18 They met ; he found her company agreeable , she found him a new slogan .
19 They talked over a meal that was prepared especially for her , and she found him a charming and entertaining companion .
20 Having said she would never teach she found it the only way to keep up her Mathematics and bring up a family , so via an evening Technical College Lectureship she slipped into school teaching and has enjoyed it !
21 At last , emerging into the street , she found herself a hundred yards behind John Harbour and Meredith .
22 Torn between tears and laughter , she found herself a clean dress and frilly hat in her locker and went into the showers .
23 She cast him a scathing look .
24 She darted him a quick smile .
25 ‘ Which way ? ’ he asked , when at last the engine spluttered into life , and she directed him the wrong way round so that they might overtake and confront the trio lurching towards Midnight Mass .
26 She closed the lid ; when the catch failed to operate , she slammed it a second time with a violence that made several of the slumberers lift their heads .
27 And being as usual in the mood to get things right she told her a Chinese dragon story .
28 She told her the plain truth .
29 I a lot , cos I remember erm when Claire was I got a really formal invitation to something and I asked Claire how you were supposed to reply and she told me the exact wording of how you should reply and I just looked at her I looked at her and I said I 'm not bloody writing that .
30 ILL-MANNERED Tories booed , hissed and slow-handclapped Brighton 's Labour mayor as she told them the hard facts of life in Major 's Britain .
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