Example sentences of "she [vb past] [verb] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What 's happened ? ’ she asked trying to see past him ,
2 Diana recognised this when she tried to get rid of Charles 's old advisers whom she felt were working against her .
3 Annabel was determined to get a grip on herself and do as Scott advised : remember 1965 as the year she stopped having to go to auditions and 1966 as the year in which she blossomed into a successful young New York hostess as she met Andy Warhol , Lenny Bernstein , Baby Jane Holzer , and all the other gossip-columnist fodder .
4 My patient presented in March 1991 with a raised red lesion on the back of her leg , which she believed had developed after an insect bite on holiday in Malta in 1990 .
5 She was much happier person because this this she 'd threatened to do for a long time .
6 Robbie had n't realised just how much she 'd missed sleeping in a conventional bed , with plenty of room to stretch out her long legs .
7 Ruth stood still — wondering , with only a kind of weariness , at what point she 'd determined to return into that burning castle for Adam .
8 ‘ I heard from a friend this morning — she 'd getting hitched to some chap in Northamptonshire who 's due to inherit his uncle 's title . ’
9 This was a side of her nature that she 'd kept hidden from me but it made me realise my feelings were justified .
10 An hour later , she 'd stopped thinking in those precise terms , and was trying to tell herself he 'd been detained .
11 She 'd stopped looking at him .
12 I told her what had happened and she took it all in her stride , and once she 'd stopped laughing about Simon she told me to head for the pub where I 'd dropped Clara .
13 And , even more disturbing , the shuddering , all-consuming masculine passion she 'd appeared to arouse in him …
14 ‘ You do n't owe me any explanations , ’ Caroline had answered politely , although she 'd wanted to laugh in his face because he 'd made his little speech at nine in the evening , dressed in a dinner suit on his way out of the door .
15 She was thankful too that she 'd struggled to exist on her grant , and what she earned in vacations , without making too many extra demands on Hugh Russell .
16 But none of it was true — she 'd only said it to cover her own growing confusion , a confusion she now realised had come out of what she 'd begun to feel for him .
17 Caroline stared down in dismay at the drink she 'd begun pouring for herself .
18 It was suggested she 'd gone to live at Newport in Gwent , but she was never located .
19 When she 'd gone to work for the Bradfords Paddy had been left on his own and it had got worse than a pigsty then .
20 Ryan must have assumed that she 'd gone to stay with her parents when he left her .
21 Already that morning she had drunk more than the weekly average for women she 'd noticed displayed on a chart in the Summertown Health Centre waiting-room .
22 Her eyes fell on two empty jam jars standing on a shelf , and then her mind flew to the clumps of snowdrops she 'd noticed blooming near the entrance to the shearers ' quarters .
23 Dimly , she thought that was n't the romantic kind of thing she 'd envisioned saying at this point , but what did it matter ?
24 She 'd felt drawn to her , just as she 'd found herself drawn to all Roman 's family , including Salvo and his wife Sofia , and their tiny new baby , snuggled sleepily in its carry-cot , blissfully oblivious to the world around it .
25 She 'd loved walking by it .
26 This was no reincarnation of some centuries-gone swashbuckling master-mariner , but even so — surely this was n't the man she 'd agreed to work with for the next few weeks ?
27 I made a mental note that I must n't say anything to annoy my prim secretary , at least until after she 'd agreed to help with the business the next evening .
28 He 'd left her at the inn without so much as a word , and here he was , calmly indulging his hobby while she 'd had to trek after him .
29 That had been to strengthen her for all the troubles and problems she 'd had to deal with .
30 When push came to shove , all he 'd really done was make a pass at her — it was n't the first she 'd had to deal with , and probably would n't be the last .
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