Example sentences of "she [coord] [verb] her [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Urquhart had broken off the lamp flex for a purpose — to strangle her or tie her up , or both .
2 She stopped trying to move herself voluntarily , and relied on nurses to move her arm and leg for her , so that their task was to ensure that she was always correctly positioned in relation to her spasticity , after they had performed the normal nursing duties of bathing her and helping her on and off the commode .
3 ‘ I 'll take her and pick her up , how 's that ? ’
4 All I said was I 'd take her and pick her up .
5 She wondered whether to stay where she was , cold and tear-stained , and let her father find her and pick her up to comfort her as he did when she was small .
6 As she screamed , she felt arms grab hold of her and pick her up off the floor .
7 He gripped her and swung her over , reversing himself along her body .
8 and was ashamed of her and kept her down
9 He 's walked up to her and asked her out !
10 I used to have Physics at half-nine and every now and then she 'd have an accident in the road so I 'd be running home , changing her and taking her back to nursery , which would mean I 'd be half an hour late .
11 One had raised his baton but the others opened a gap for her and let her through .
12 He clambered up and intercepted her at the kitchen door , enfolding her and drawing her in to his body so that his warmth flowed through to her , just as he had that day when he 'd found her on the beach , lost and afraid ; like him , a victim of the past .
13 Nevil opened his door , smiled at her and ushered her in .
14 She felt them lift her and take her over to the low stone wall beside the glimmering field of water-chestnuts .
15 You know it might land on her her bed , see if it landed on our bed at least you can chuck the blankets off and protect her and take her out of the room , but when she 's in her own bedroom in a single bed you ca n't , you ca n't do things like that .
16 In fact , looking back , I ca n't think of anyone who ever understood her , except you , and I wish you would come and see her and take her out of herself .
17 ‘ Some swine stole her and ran her on to a coral reef , ’ I said , ‘ and I 'm spending the next two months mending her . ’
18 Jack finally got her and led her back to the seat , where she folded her anorak carefully , eyes still glued to the screen .
19 ‘ Now pay her and get her out of here . ’
20 He was reaching-for the blue directory when Anne came back with Abigail in her arms , so Adam took her and carried her back to bed himself and tucked her in and kissed her .
21 He got up , lifted her and carried her back to the bedroom despite her threats to do him a fatal injury if he did n't stop carting her about like a sack of old cabbages .
22 Then his hands came around her and gently he lifted her and carried her back to the bed .
23 A whole exciting new scene was being born all about her and pushing her out of the way .
24 She could no longer see the Steep yet the feeling of the dark airless room she had left behind , the sound of her foster-parents breathing heavily in the close darkness , still seemed to hang about her and draw her back .
25 Two days later , when thunderstorms were muttering over the Slieve Mish and the sea crows were circling lazily over the valley , her father and brothers came for her and took her up to Ballymacadoyle Hill .
26 Her mummy , drawn by the noise , ran out of the tent , and seeing what had happened put her arms round her to comfort her and took her back into the tent .
27 He was able to find her and bring her back home where he pleaded with her to stay .
28 The girl has told police that as she walked along The Phelps , a man grabbed her and forced her on to a grass verge .
29 As I considered whether to smash her and throw her down on the mountainside , I caught her scent .
30 She pulled the cold embroidered spaces of satin kimono closer to her and pressed her back into the wire of the fender before she drew the basket , full of wounded dog , nearer to herself and to the heat — the little bitch trembled amongst all her luxuries .
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