Example sentences of "she [adv] [vb past] back [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She instinctively shrunk back against the wall , her hands clasped tightly against her chest .
2 He seemed to loom over her and she instinctively moved back in her chair with a jerk .
3 Constance felt let down but , more , she was overcome with indignant self-pity as she slowly cycled back along the drive that linked the Hall to the main road .
4 And she suddenly turned back in the direction they had come and ran all the way , her wet shift slapping against her bare legs .
5 eventually they went bankrupt , Florrie is an of mine , she used to work there part time and she always enjoyed it , she 's been there say twenty years , she just came back from holiday and found the place is closed down and none of for the past er fifteen months he 'd been there , that past fifteen months none of their part time staff had their stamps put on their cards , so for their , for their pension
6 But she always came back to Haworth ; she did n't like to be with famous people very long .
7 I thought that Robert loved her and would n't mind her having lovers if she always came back to him .
8 She studied history at St Hugh 's College , Oxford — early days for a woman — and knew Lewis Carroll , and was taught by one of the best teachers then in the historical school at Oxford , a future Master of Balliol , A. L. Smith , upon whom she always looked back with gratitude .
9 She got out of bed and thought everything over very carefully , and although it was difficult to keep emotion out of it , she still came back to the self-same answer .
10 Isabel was so stunned that she nearly fell back on the pillows .
11 ‘ One thing she often came back to was what she called the great divide in all individual lives .
12 She now lay back on the couch and , staring towards the fire , she said , ‘ Been a funny house , this , held so many lives and hardly any of them happy , except my mother 's . ’
13 She simply looked back at Mr Hollins , polite and expectant .
14 She simply went back in there and was out again very swiftly with coffee for two .
15 Instead she simply stared back at him , unaware of the naked vulnerability in her tawny almond-shaped eyes .
16 Today , however , when she glanced up and saw two men high above her on a jig smiling and nudging each other , she simply fled back to the sanctuary of her office .
17 She then walked back to our original starting point and retraced our morning route along the Gorm track , finally arriving for lunch only ten minutes late but having walked nearly nine miles .
18 She then ran back to the railway station and met up with her boyfriend .
19 After standing silently looking up at the Brooklyn sky for a few minutes , and reciting a poem , she then jumped back into the car .
20 She almost danced back to the car .
21 She almost staggered back to the kitchen table and sat down and as she did so the kitchen clock struck nine .
22 She never came back at all while Dad was alive .
23 ‘ It looks as if she never came back to the phone .
24 She never turned back from it after ; nor was it her habit , any more than his , to repent of what she did .
25 When the ruler first came in contact with Millie 's knuckles she actually cried back at the startled sister , ‘ Do n't do that !
26 Barak managed to pacify her then turned back to Laidlaw .
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