Example sentences of "she [prep] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He came to see yer mother and talk to her about paying a reward .
2 She had told him lies about where Bella 's money was hidden , pretended to be fascinated when he had lied to her about spending the day with his father : ‘ We played golf together , then he took me for a ride in the new car .
3 When people apologized to her for breaking a glass or making a remark which , upon sober reflection , they found themselves regretting she would smile the vague smile of the hostess who is at once too preoccupied and too superior to notice the faux pas of those around her .
4 It was a bitter irony that he condemned her for loving a man who was out of reach .
5 She hurried on to Horsfall Woods , stopping only at a sweetshop to buy a raspberry lollipop with the threepence Rosalind had given her for taking the letter .
6 And Dexter tried to calm his faint resentment against her for casting a shadow over his optimistic mood .
7 I 'm so pleased with her for knowing the way I want to hug her .
8 Mrs Bouverie knew this , and she also knew that the Loxford mothers despised her for meeting a child of ten .
9 Reward her only when her action is appropriate to the cue — for example , praise her for crossing the pedestrian crossing when the correct signal is given .
10 Here she was , imagining that the last half-hour had been a sort of truce — telling Marc all those things about her life on the stage , all those silly , funny , self-mocking stories of disaster and mayhem that were part of the business , and he 'd been sitting there in judgement all that time , working out how much Peter might or might not have paid her for playing the part of his fiancée …
11 They wanted to free Sycorax without further delay , and Ariel too , though some doubted her allegiance , and were willing to abandon her for carrying the stranger 's child .
12 Her family disowned her for marrying a Gentile .
13 Nigel told Eleanor that he despised her for making a pass at him .
14 He 'd come straight to her after leaving the theatre , and his impatience thrilled her to the core .
15 He would n't chase her after reading the letter she had left for him , politely thanking him for his hospitality and saying she was returning to Palma to complete her work before returning to England .
16 Frances Bradburn is loving every bit of the attention bestowed on her after winning the region 's Mum of the Year Award .
17 He accused her of planting the cannabis .
18 Rebecca was accusing her of starting the fire , and he was doing nothing to dispute the idea .
19 My mum was really upset because he was accusing her of having an affair with another man .
20 ‘ She allowed a man to persuade her into taking the drug , so she can only blame herself for her predicament .
21 She stumbled on in this manner for some time before I talked her into accepting a chair and a cuppa .
22 He had stayed to hound her into betraying the truth .
23 And she was furious that Mr Clarke did not break the news to her before holding a Press conference .
24 Twenty minutes later , she was still trying to forget the way he had looked at her before slamming the door behind him .
25 Her mother said it was stimulating to be upset , and maybe it was , but that did n't prevent her from preferring the solace of the old wisdom .
26 ‘ Pleased to meet you , dear , ’ said Mrs Miller , who was endowed with so many rolls of fat that her stomach almost prevented her from reaching the counter .
27 FitzAlan could prevent her from seeing the Queen … confine her somewhere in Winchester …
28 They grew a new ‘ ear ’ on her stomach with grafts taken from her thighs ; the scab on the superficially burnt left side of her face lifted off almost in one piece , leaving behind the flawless pink skin of a teenager ; but even after a year in hospital and scores of painful grafts , the right side of her face was hideously scarred , her hair and eyebrows never grew again and a plastic plate fitted over her carbonized skull prevented her from wearing a wig .
29 Theda blanched even paler , a wicked flash and an ominous rumble preventing her from hearing the curse that issued from Mr Beckenham 's lips .
30 Melody 's delight and incredulity were genuine , but it did not prevent her from taking the food and drink from his hands and bolting it as though she were starving .
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