Example sentences of "she [adv prt] [conj] she [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Her only consciousness was of the pulsing energy washing over her , picking her up , carrying her along whether she willed it or not , his body pulsing against her own with its blatant male need , and she felt helpless against it .
2 He 'd play her along until she got fed-up and started making too many demands .
3 A credit card with her name on it finally got her in but she left in a huff 30 minutes later .
4 He followed her in and she hurried into her bedroom , locked the door and took her time about showering and changing .
5 I followed her in and she closed the door .
6 ‘ I mean , we took her in when she came back from London with her tail between her legs , and we fed her and gave her a roof over her head , but she was forever dolling herself up and going out .
7 Julia was about to let her in when she saw what she had in her mouth .
8 Dolly said one had got in , that he threatened to do her in if she did n't tell him where all the valuables were .
9 The big bag they had brought for the goose caught between her legs and almost threw her down but she recovered her balance , her feet slipping and sliding .
10 Her voice almost let her down but she persevered .
11 Isobel took it , and he drew her down so she sat on the silk rug at his feet , on a pattern of birds and flowers , of blues and scarlets and browns .
12 He would scythe her down if she did n't fit in with his plans .
13 Even her mother 's " Pull yourself together " remarks began to drag her down as she recognised that that was something she could not do .
14 Now , as the coachman handed her down and she swept into the kitchen in her fur-lined velvet cloak , the difference in her life since her marriage was brought home to her as never before .
15 But Carmen , 40 , turned her down because she felt she already had too many children on her books .
16 Not to thank you , I mean — and Rose — oh , dear … ’ and her face crumpled , but the steely resolution which lay beneath her outward charm prevented her from giving way to the hysterics which she knew would take her over if she allowed herself to show any weakness .
17 When she tackled him in the wood , he produced the gun to frighten her off but she wrested it from him and shot him .
18 And we started her off and she went round and as she went past the second time she said I ca n't stop !
19 She was from strong and wealthy Dutch Protestant stock , a religious family from Pennsylvania who virtually cut her off when she met , fell in love with and married a handsome Roman Catholic , a rakish sign painter of Irish descent named John Nicholson .
20 His inability to rid himself of the woman is a recurrent theme , even though a psychoanalytic institute in the US ( where for some reason another analyst has written a book which presents the patient as a great therapeutic success ) actually sent him money regularly so that he could pay her off when she got too demanding .
21 Ace had stopped running , and now walked towards the hoverspeeder very slowly , as if waiting for Defries to catch her up before she reached it .
22 As he saw her , he stretched out his arms and lifted her up before she had had time to reach the bottom step .
23 He was beside her holding her up but she pushed him away .
24 I phoned her up and she said they 'd started decorating lifting the tiles off on the kitchen wall .
25 Then we got her up and she said I 'm going to be sick so I said do n't worry about it .
26 My mother and I brought her up and she brought herself this low .
27 In one swoop the feeling swallowed her up and she had never got rid of it since .
28 He 'd take her up and she had only her vest on and her socks , and this was getting winter time , so I thought I ca n't have that .
29 Her legs were almost too shaky to hold her up and she felt consciousness closing down .
30 My agent chatted her up and she let slip Tweed and the Grey woman left early this morning after booking their suite — and paying for it — for another week . ’
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