Example sentences of "she [vb -s] been [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She is the same wholehearted trouper she has been through war and peace for three generations .
2 She has been to school . ’
3 She has been for weeks . ’
4 She will stay with the man at whose side she has been for years , Secretary of State James Baker .
5 She has been with Peter Cottingham , 44 , for five years .
6 She has been on holiday in Dorset ( with a friend who lives there ) , and in Shropshire and in Kent .
7 She has been on HRT for four years , has never suffered dryness again and attributes to it her general energy and enjoyment of life .
8 She has been at Orion since October , and has been responsible for , among other things , the marketing of Vikram Seth 's A Suitable Boy .
9 She is Dutch , in her late twenties , and she has been in North Africa for one-and-a-half years .
10 She has been in Rampton Hospital .
11 She has been in Rampton Hospital .
12 But until changes in the registration of women 's occupation were introduced in 1986 there was a major difference between men and women : ‘ At the registration of the death of a child … the instructions to the registrars specify that the occupation … of a woman should not be recorded unless she has been in employment for most of her adult life . ’
13 We must ensure that hospitals have well thought out discharge plans for every individual , whether he or she has been in hospital for five years or just five days , and that follow-up and after-care services are available for a lifetime if necessary .
14 Since 1988 she has been in charge of organising the BDA 's centenary celebrations a task , which she has combined with bringing up her hearing daughter Nicola .
15 Unfortunately has been unable to edit this issue as she has been in Charing Cross Hospital for treatment after her mole pregnancy earlier this year .
16 Ever since she 's been under threat of eviction .
17 If she 's been under stress .
18 But one woman who should have been there could n't attend the ceremony — because she 's been under house arrest for the past four years .
19 The the father would be on the boat , and the son would , as a young boy , would come to meet the workers that came back and he begins to help with the ropes and the winching up of the boat and the washing down , and so on , of the boat after she 's been on service , and so on .
20 She 's been on holiday .
21 Actually , I sent Felicity to Summerhill because I saw this awfully exciting film called The Alamo , starring John Wayne , whom I adore , and he makes this absolutely glorious speech in it which goes ‘ Freedom , I like the sound of the word ’ , actually it 's ‘ Republic ’ he says , I know that because it was on the television last week , but I 've always heard it as ‘ Freedom ’ and I read that A S O'Neill positively breathed Freedom , as indeed do all the Irish , I find , and one has to have pots of money to go there , which gives one — what 's the word ? — sachet , which you do absolutely need to get into Society these days , and Felicity ( her name means Freedom , too , from the Latin , you know ) was frightfully keen to go , and does n't the name simply drip June in , say , the Cotswolds , and Felicity says there are teachers there with nothing to do at all , so you can tell the staff must be tip-top — I mean , what luxury ! spare staff ! — and Felicity 's always been such a tearaway and I know it 's jolly hard but I do think one needs Discipline to get one 's Freedom , I 've always had it , and Republics too , and now I gather she 's been on television , and Felicity was absolutely swearing by the school or something , Angela says , and where is it — somewhere pretty — she goes by train …
22 Well it 's , it 's more like more or less just like today , you know , if you , if you 've got nowhere to go and they just put you there , but I mean now you ca n't get in very good can you really , not now , but erm , Pat since she 's been on duty she 's had a terrible trial , terrible she had to get one , help in this morning , get one of the floor next door , then we 've had trouble one down further , but she 's been put into erm Ashlyn now for five weeks , so she 's out the way for a little while we 've had an awful worrying time here though , it 's absolutely been a pantomime cos this has just keeps er throwing herself on the floor , all the time she 's doing it
23 Now as was saying earlier on , that she 's been with flowers all her life , well I have n't .
24 She 's been at centre since February and is 77 .
25 She 's been at work all day !
26 She 's been at work today !
27 She mentioned tonight she 's been at work every day mind you .
28 She 's been at grammar school a good year has n't she ?
29 Frances has been fostering animals at Freshfield Animal Rescue Centre near her home even longer than she 's been at Ashworth .
30 Off she 's been at nights ; could n't get in quick enough and could n't get out quick enough .
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