Example sentences of "she [verb] [been] [adj] by " in BNC.

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1 She 'd been upset by that .
2 She is looking for critical views against which to pitch her own ; it seems that she may have chosen the wrong sort of topic , since on a holiday in Italy she had been stunned by the newly renovated Michelangelo ceiling in the Sistine Chapel in Rome , and although there were plenty of books about it , many of them went into extravagant detail .
3 Mrs Diggory was herself but little touched , Theda believed , but she had been upset by her husband 's woeful demeanour .
4 She had been impressed by the view , the quite breath-taking view , from the headland of Posillipo round to the curiously named Egg Castle , a box of brown stone on its rocky promontory in the Bay and on farther to the Sorrento Peninsula beyond .
5 She had been impressed by his knowledge and his observation and she loved and admired him a little more .
6 She had been shocked by Maria Luisa 's tragic countenance at the window but this was so much worse .
7 She had always disliked them , had never for a moment been able to see their virtues ; she had been bored by the classical , and had felt a positive , righteous contempt for the baroque and the neo-Gothic .
8 But Ms Armstrong said she had been bemused by the statement .
9 And she had been startled by the strength and abandon of her own response .
10 She had been surprised by his view of the Tech-Greens , however , and dismissed much of what he said about them as paranoid hysteria .
11 Lilis in New York also said she had been surprised by the findings .
12 Ever since childhood , while talking to the very old , she had been frightened by visions of herself attacking , hitting , assaulting , knocking off their glasses .
13 Afterwards , she had been annoyed by her reaction and ashamed of her cowardice .
14 Wardens had yelled at her , she had stumbled over rubble and hosepipes , her path lit by the glare of hundreds of fires , she had been terrified by the throbbing of the engines of the bombers overhead and the crump of bombs , but she had run on .
15 The plain fact was she had been terrified by her own reflection , and this was not lightly to be dismissed .
16 She had been appalled by Caro 's first job , lowly assistant gardener in Limetree Park , riding across the lawns on a great smelly mower , digging out dead bedding plants and dragging pruned branches to bonfires .
17 She had been appalled by Churchill 's decision to shoot down German aircraft — marked with the red cross — picking up ditched fliers in the Channel , and she argued passionately that the saturation bombing of Britain 's cities — bombing that Hitler had promised would never happen — had been forced on him by Churchill 's repeated refusal to stop the air-raids on Berlin that had set the whole thing off .
18 She had been amused by the easy way he 'd said , ‘ I lied . ’
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