Example sentences of "she [verb] [vb pp] some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She has taken some point made by a friend whom she names — milia and develops it into a full essay .
2 I showed her my January AIM , then she announced it was just like going to art school : she has had some training .
3 I showed her my January AIM , then she announced it was just like going to art school : she has had some training .
4 She 'd done some TV before , but she 'd just left school , and had little knowledge of the working world and MEN .
5 Now she 'd done some training as a secretary — she 'd been to secretarial college .
6 Perhaps he ceased to be useful to her once she 'd had some success in England — I do n't know .
7 She 'd walked some distance , judging by her shoes , which were worn to pieces .
8 She 'd found some hawthorn berries on a bush and was chewing her way through one with every sign of enjoyment .
9 She 'd brought some desu , flat buckwheat bread that 's taken on journeys because it stays fresh for days , and some roasted amaranthus seeds in honey , wrapped in birch bark .
10 When she 'd regained some degree of composure , she asked , ‘ Have you had any further thoughts as to where Mamma 's ‘ appropriate ’ place might be ? ’
11 She had drunk some punch .
12 Because of this she felt generous and said she had realised some time ago that a really beautiful man was very much more beautiful than the most beautiful woman , and was n't that interesting .
13 When she was released she had gained some weight , but it was fear of rehospitalisation rather than a true recovery that kept her from losing all the weight again .
14 She would open them after she had made some coffee .
15 Whether it was to share his moment of regret at the passing of time , or to express disillusion with Parkin himself — she had made some comment in the car about how he was one of the few television reporters she knew and respected — Dexter did not know .
16 Later we discovered she had hit some obstruction and lost an engine — hence her strange behaviour .
17 It horrified her to think how foolish she had been and she could only excuse herself on the grounds that she had suffered some kind of fit .
18 She wished she had worn some make-up , then chastised herself for such a feeble thought .
19 She had wanted some way of freeing herself from Gareth Davis and his demands and now , with no effort on her part , she was free of him for ever .
20 Sarah Fuller had complained that she had lost some money .
21 She said her name was Liz , she was a friend of the family , and she had done some nursing once , a long time ago , but gave it up to get married .
22 She had spent some time after breakfast standing on her balcony and looking out towards the mountains .
23 When she had recovered some composure , she covered his body with her shawl and sat down beside it with her children by her , hoping a neighbour would hear of her plight and come to help her .
24 Her enormous grey eyes ( they would have been rather striking if only she had used some make-up ) were staring at him with the expression of a trapped rabbit .
25 Within two days she had found some information on the Prince 's Trust , which is a scheme set up by the Duke of Cornwall , HRH Prince Charles himself .
26 But this was untrue , for Minch had become quieter and more peaceful as the months had gone by , staring out over the Zoo with a mysterious tranquillity , as if she had found some contentment that eluded the others .
27 At one stage , she said she had experienced some conflict ‘ like being in two places at once ’ but soon realized that her real attachment was to her adoptive parents .
28 ‘ Even if she had stole some wine , ’ Rab said .
29 She had planted some runner beans in the patch of the old vegetable garden he had dug earlier ; they were flowering energetically and seemed to have been worth the trouble .
30 When Annunziata came to collect the tray , Julia asked her tentatively whether she had had some news .
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