Example sentences of "she [verb] [adv] and [prep] " in BNC.

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1 he was like this , then the drying up she goes out and like that . .
2 After lunch , between the morning ride and the afternoon expedition , she read aloud and in the evenings she enjoyed playing cards and various acting and paper games .
3 Then , with the fluidity usually only displayed by cartoon characters , she swooped down and around her daughter ; her arms cradled each shoulder and her face slid down next to Maisie 's .
4 Instead , she sits there and for a moment contemplates the prospect of her party , the gathering of her guests .
5 ‘ What 's wrong , Will ? ’ she asked apprehensively and at the sound of her voice , he burst into tears .
6 She darted round and round the tower , running fast but waving her hands .
7 Then , realising that for a supposedly experienced sailor her enthusiasm was a little over the top , she added quickly and with complete honesty , ‘ I 've never sailed a boat like Seawitch before .
8 Her anger and resentment grew as she drove home and for the rest of that evening she found it difficult to get David Markham out of her mind .
9 He looked up as she came in and to her irritation she saw the amusement was back in his eyes .
10 Well we were trying to remember the lines to that and she came in and for about half an hour she gave a rendition .
11 She skipped along and into the wood at the end of the gardens .
12 The city seems to stretch on and on — or is she going round and round the ring road in an endless loop ?
13 She walked up and down the street , calling Griselda , though the cat had never been known to come when it was called .
14 Somehow the pins in her hair always seemed to escape when she lost her temper and the dark tresses whirled round her shoulders as she walked up and down Oswin 's bedroom .
15 Then , strolling past Mariánské Láznë 's colonnade , she walked on and into an area of well-kept parkland and , taking her ease on one of the white-painted benches scattered around , found the card and began to write .
16 She walked in and around the corner , and her heart leapt to see someone in Carolyn 's bed .
17 A smile still hovering round her mouth , she glanced up and through the mirror .
18 ‘ Victoria , you 're a sensible girl , you go first , ’ was an order she heard often and with pleasure , for whatever ordeal into which she had to lead the rest , from construing straight-faced a suggestive passage of Ovid to pushing her pony through a muddy ford , was always rewarded by authority 's approval .
19 On another day when I asked the question , she began slowly and with difficulty to lift the skirts of her dress , revealing bare knees .
20 Outside , she looked up and down the road ; then turning to Millie , she said , ‘ There 's nobody here now . ’
21 She looked up and down the quiet street , where the lights made golden leafy spaces in the trees .
22 As she left the phone box , she looked up and down the street for other shops .
23 Furtively she looked up and down the street .
24 She went over and over the last time she had seen him .
25 Taking up an oil-can she went out and towards the old outbuildings , to the door next to the one leading into the barn and , moving it , she found that it had n't been oiled .
26 She went in and up the stairs to some rooms at the top of the house .
27 She spoke slowly and with some difficulty .
28 yeah , just like erm , say a Friday or Saturday night when I take the car to go home , Sarah 's worked it out that by the time she walks upstairs and into her bedroom , she normally sees me going down Upping Road , but she does n't see me , next days it 's oh where did you go ? or what happened ? ,
29 Following by instinct , following the trail of mind and memory that he had left , she had surely and with great purpose come to the final place of Harry 's death
30 Any exertion would result in long coughing bouts and Mother never complained about the hours of sleep lost each night as she ran up and down stairs with bowls of steaming inhalants , aspirators and balsams in an attempt to ease his suffocating agony .
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