Example sentences of "she [verb] [verb] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 At the moment it is the ultimate loser who pays the costs even if he or she happens to have won at first instance and in the Court of Appeal .
2 She 'd stopped looking at him .
3 It was suggested she 'd gone to live at Newport in Gwent , but she was never located .
4 Dimly , she thought that was n't the romantic kind of thing she 'd envisioned saying at this point , but what did it matter ?
5 Her body was found in a hall of residence only hours after she 'd arrived to teach at a summer school of the Open University … today courses continued despite the tragedy …
6 She seemed to stand staring at the two of them , and they at her , for a long time , while outside , where night was making of the road a strange country , the vegetation grew black and monstrous .
7 There was no doubt about it — things were going to be tight if she decided to continue to live at Tullivers .
8 There were all sorts of disadvantages to that , but she did want to look at her own presentation and movement in the classroom .
9 From the age of fifteen onwards she became more defiant , and would sometimes even attempt a half-baked account of some of the notions she had heard discussed at home , in the Deputy Master 's Lodge .
10 She had gone to stand at the cemetery end after spotting Uncle Vernon on the touchline in front of the club-house .
11 And many were the times when she had wanted to bawl at him , ‘ And who was to blame for that ?
12 The Kurd , whom she had expected to flee at the first shaking of the ground , was staying with them .
13 The cornflower-blue dress she had brought to wear at the finals had been slept on by Ethel and was impossibly creased , as was her face after two nights sleeping in the car .
14 There were some lovely old brasses , too , which fascinated her ; and when she had finished looking at these she found that she was alone .
15 But the woman 's insults rankled , as did her earlier insolence — for her contemptuous glance had raked Theda 's person when she had dared to ask at the Feathers for a room for the night .
16 The previous day , she had demanded halts at least a dozen times , claiming they were being followed by something in the undergrowth , to the left of their narrow path .
17 She had come to look at the frescos of Sandweg , the frescos that interpreted the story of the Massacre of the Innocents — the slaughter of the male children of Bethlehem at the behest of Herod .
18 Her fringe had a tendency to fall over her eyes , and she had to keep blowing at it to knock it aside .
19 All she had left to clutch at was the memory of how she had felt .
20 And inside her head the words she longed to speak hammered at her brain .
21 Yes , she does say looking at her card again Fred , she says , a small garden .
22 oh that crap Brinley dinner time oh she 's gone to look at
23 He must be pretty bad if she 's got to stay at home . ’
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