Example sentences of "she [modal v] be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If the services of a district nurse are needed , she may be contacted by telephone or there may be a community liaison service in your hospital , in which case a member of the community nursing team will visit the ward and meet the patient .
2 Also , even if a subject is never directly or completely ‘ freed ’ trom repression by its displacement , he or she may be empowered in other ways — for example , by being seen to be homophobic in a homophobic culture .
3 She may be dressed in a different uniform , and therefore must explain her role to the patient .
4 She may be moved into a general ward soon .
5 She may be invited to be its Chancellor even though she 's only got one O-level .
6 If the developer has not sought planning permission prior to the commencement of work and has started work which requires planning permission , he or she may be served by the local planning authority with an enforcement notice .
7 The means of salvaging something of the disposition is to recognize that so far as the daughter has benefited under her father 's will she may be obliged by a trust .
8 once the spawning is complete the female must get out of the male 's way and should be removed from the breeding tank , otherwise she may be harried to the point of being killed .
9 Not infrequently , in fact , he or she may be assisted in his search by that same social services department ( Haimes and Timms , 1985 ) .
10 ’ Then , provoked by we know not what domestic disaffection , he adds : ‘ And yf she be not obedient and healpfull unto hym , endevorethe to beate the feare of God into her heade , that therby she may be compelled to learne her dutie and do it . ‘
11 If the ‘ reluctant ’ learner can be introduced to the library — to see a video or hear some music — he or she may be encouraged by the absence of school pressures and associations of poor performance , and by the interest of an adult who is not , nor does not appear to be , part of the school teaching/discipline system .
12 Taking my cue from her collaborations with David Steele and Andy Cox of the Fine Young Cannibals ( who have produced three tracks for the album ) , I suggest that eventually she may be drawn beyond the usual limits of rap , towards creating real verse and chorus songs .
13 The Queen of Beauty appears in image ; she may be glimpsed in a portrait , a miniature held in the hand of a knight or warrior as he rides off to battle ; she may appear on film or television screen and be adored by millions .
14 He or she may be teased by the other children and remain alienated from them into adulthood .
15 She may be identified by the fact she has hairy haunches and cloven hooves , like a goat , concealed under her gown .
16 She may be portrayed with lions , bulls , birds , serpents , or other creatures , and she is shown dominating them , but rarely struggling with them or slaying them .
17 Where a woman fails to perform her expected role properly the GP tends to see her ‘ either in terms of the conventional models of their own social background ( she must adjust to her situation ) , or in terms of individual personal inadequacy ( that she must be referred to the psychiatrist ) ’ ( Barrett and Roberts , 1978 , p. 46 ) .
18 He eased into her , and began to move , thrusting , slowly at first , inciting her senses to riot , building up the heat inside her until she thought she must be consumed by the melting rapture of that flame .
19 Probationary members must be more than 18 years of age and an amateur must hold a current handicap of 1 ; if already a professional , she must be supported by a reference from her professional golf association or Tour .
20 But , as she remembered her meeting with him that next day , she realised that she must be mistaken about his meaning of the word interest and the connotation she would like to put on it .
21 The tradition says she must be given in marriage as soon as possible .
22 His anger might be justified , but it did not mean she must be treated like a criminal .
23 She must be got to hospital , ’ James Halden said .
24 I thought she must be unhinged by grief .
25 She would not ask for any further exchange of nuclear information , but she must be released from her obligation not to use the knowledge she already possessed in seeking collaboration with other partners .
26 Oh well she must be sat on her potty !
27 She realised she must be flushed after that , and she stopped , a little breathless at her own cheek .
28 She must be told with sympathy and kindness that the decision rests in other hands , ’ said Mr Justice Waite .
29 Housewives definition she must be confined to her home , or that of a recognised medical institution .
30 Sister Dew was a tedious little woman but she must be listened to because of all his parishioners she was the one most likely to take offence .
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