Example sentences of "she [modal v] [verb] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If Mrs Richards has been here so long , she ought to have some kind of permanent record , to help new staff like me . ’
2 The Girl was explaining how she thought perhaps she ought to make some kind of thanks to them for their hospitality .
3 He agreed to pay them but told Gina she must give some Italian lessons or something in future if she wanted to treat herself to things like that .
4 She must make some scheme for herself , the best thing to do .
5 After a fortnight 's visit with her mother to her aunt Mrs Poole at Ramsgate , Helen decided that she must earn some money and , if possible , live away from home where her mother 's grief-stricken restrictions and excessive dependency — so she thought — would curtail that freedom of action and expression in which her father had encouraged her .
6 Florrie made up her mind : she must buy some material and make a new set of curtains .
7 She must have some radar , he thought , that at the last saved her from the worst effects of his anger and frustration .
8 Surely she must have some friends ?
9 She must have some complaint , Alida decided , to stay in this house two and a half , three hours , and not ask for the bathroom , it is unnatural .
10 She knew that she should extend some kind of apology herself , but she knew equally well that she had no intention of doing any such thing .
11 Should she say her father had agreed she should have some money ?
12 Alright he 's probably blindfolded her after that , but at least she should have some kind of er
13 It was that when this final list of necessities had been bought , she should put some money into the post office .
14 Daffodil with enthusiasm was telling a cool Bambi that she should try some face cream or other that helped with wrinkles .
15 He resented that and was determined that she should receive some mail at their address , under their married name .
16 The gipsies patron saint was Sarah ; it was thought she might bear some relation in their minds to a deity of their own , an oriental deity , Sara le Kali .
17 Yet he also hoped that she might retain some weapon , hidden in a hollow tooth perhaps .
18 And , quite apart from demonstrating maturity by dismissing the incident and behaving normally , if she could manage to be polite to this man there was just a chance she might discover some clues to his plans for her family 's business .
19 If she could find the courage to turn and look at him , she might read some clue into his expression .
20 That way she might have some protection against Jack Lawrence and his hyperactive lips !
21 Perhaps , after all , she might have some master plan behind her teaching .
22 Yes she might have some ideas .
23 Then she decided to wash her hair , thinking she might derive some comfort from this familiar rite .
24 Peering around for a locker where she might find some clothes , she stood .
25 When we 're in the flat she says she 'll make some coffee , and I sit down on a chair with my carrier by my side .
26 Ruby she 'll have she 'll have some children though because I mean they 're somewhere down in
27 Maybe she could trade some haulage klicks for the crystal and take along a couple of pods on the open market , legit , for the fine .
28 She could not sing , she said , not really , but she could tell some stories for her supper .
29 She sat on the edge of his bed , eating the Nux Bar and wondering how she could make some money .
30 She could sense some undercurrent of tension which she was at a loss to explain .
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