Example sentences of "she [adv] [vb past] with [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Robbie had been hungry when she got home from work , but now she only toyed with her food .
2 She just pleaded with me to let her stay with me till the baby was born and then she would try and gather the courage to tell her family . ’
3 Satisfied with the merest hint of make-up she had used on her heart-shaped face , she emptied out the small jewellery sachet she always took with her on her travels .
4 There must have been something specially feline about that particular note , because Gautier carried out experiments to see if he could fool the cat , but she always responded with her critical paw precisely when the note reached high A.
5 She did n't answer : Nick saw in her face the struggle she always had with herself before she went in the water .
6 She hurried next door to get the spare one she always left with her neighbour , then let herself inside and sank down wearily on the bottom of the stairs .
7 Man , she hardly registered with me at all . ’
8 Tonight near the Forest Green home she once shared with him and the baby she 's trying to come to terms with what 's happened
9 The network of health and social work support she had enjoyed fell away , but she led a full life and drove her own car , though she still lived with her parents .
10 That much relationship she still had with him , she thought .
11 She nearly collided with him .
12 She positively glowed with it .
13 Tweed 's close confidante , she often worked with him in the field .
14 She often quarrelled with him after these family occasions and threw the remains of the feast at him .
15 ‘ Oh , you need n't be polite ; in fact , I would say to you ’ — she now paused with her hands on the table and stared up at him — ‘ please do n't be polite .
16 She self-consciously fiddled with her hair , tidied up her clothes .
17 She then stayed with us , and got a taxi for me to Victoria , which was taking Hastings trains at that time .
18 Crushed as she was close to them , their smell filled her nostrils until she almost choked with it .
19 She almost argued with him , but his hand had slipped meaningfully down to the handle of his knife .
20 She had n't expected him to be simply standing there , watching her , and her breath caught in a small gasp as she almost collided with him .
21 By the time Robert Forbes was introduced to Lorna Lewis he was free , rich and forty-one ; his hair had turned almost completely white and he was the perfect partner for a beautiful actress , eighteen years old , who was so full of ambition she almost trembled with it .
22 She never travelled with him .
23 Though she never did with you really because that , I
24 Willi had revealed that , since the night of Madge 's fall from grace , she actually socialized with him , accepted the occasional invitation for coffee and , whilst not exactly chatting effusively about herself or her private life , indulged in fairly normal conversation with him .
25 She half gestured with her fingers .
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