Example sentences of "this year [pron] [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Last year they were calling it Howards ' Way with horses , this year they 've been calling it Howards ' Way without boats .
2 Carrie thought of bombs falling , of the war going on all this year they 'd been safe in the valley ; going on over their heads like grown-up conversation when she 'd been too small to listen .
3 God subsequently led the Burnetts to accept the challenge of establishing a new work in Albania ( in conjunction with the European Baptist Federation ) and since summer of this year they have been resident in Tiran together with their two young sons .
4 We 've actually been successful in that again because we 've got , last year I think we got six thousand pounds , and this year we 've been told we can have eighty percent of the same again .
5 This year we have been involved in projects in both Hong Kong and Mauritius , while our Waste Management Information Bureau , which draws on the resources of the whole of AEA , has responded to a record number of enquiries during the year .
6 Although before this year he 'd been to fewer golf tournaments than we had cold drinks on that hot September afternoon , he still has fond memories of watching Arnold Palmer win the Colonial NIT close to his hometown of Dallas in 1962 .
7 County butterfly recorder Steve Piotrowski said : ‘ Up to this year it has been virtually unheard of for the species to over-winter in Suffolk . ’
8 This year it has been impossible to plan policing in Northumbria because the force has 112 fewer officers than last year .
9 This year there have been publications about both .
10 IT 'S a while since the Institute held a Special General Meeting but this year there have been two .
11 ‘ To date this year there have been 172 bomb incidents , 54 fewer than in the same period last year .
12 This year there has been a cash outflow in respect of the amounts provided .
13 Once or twice this year there has been a suggestion you should seek fulfilment further afield — even radically changing location — and the time is ripe for this .
14 As was pointed out to him in that interview , this year there has been a 7.1 per cent .
15 has responded to those by , for example , over this year there has been closed circuit television at one of the Park and Rides — I think it 's Thornhill — in consultation with the Police , and the Police have told us that that has reduced the number of crimes that have occurred and we have put
16 And this year there 's been very little change altogether , you may have noticed that or very little change at all .
17 This year I 've been thinking about the many faces of the moon and the wonderfully romantic and lovely patterns you can achieve with the moon as your theme , whether it 's a slender crescent or full harvest , hunter 's or honey moon .
18 So what I intend to do from this week is that very thing , try and fill in as it were and er make up for what was n't covered in the classes because I must admit that this year I 've been struck by the high st high standard of the class presentations .
19 This year I have been immensely saddened by the separation of the Prince and Princess of Wales , and of the Duke and Duchess of York .
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