Example sentences of "this is [verb] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 This is supported by Dodson 's ( 1973 ) work , although he concluded that so little water movement was needed to transport small animal bone that in fact transported assemblages are little use for palaeoecological reconstruction .
2 This is supported by Wordsworth 's defence of his choice of the common people as subject matter — ‘ Low and rustic life was generally chosen , because in that condition the essential passions of the heart find a better soil in which they can attain their maturity … ’
3 Er now this is grown in Calverton .
4 £100,000 worth of income arises and this is assessed on X. The income arises in year 1 .
5 This is followed on Thursday , April 1 by the highly successful production of ‘ Grease ’ by award-winning director and choreographer Peter Kennedy , which has recently finished a sell-out run in Belfast .
6 This is followed in June by John Lucas ' Low-Water Gardening ( Dent , £15.99 hbk 0 460 86117 4 , £9.99 pbk 0 460 87151 4 ) , which is produced in association with the Council for the Preservation of Rural England .
7 The second play in the series is A Touch of Danger by Frances Durbridge and this is followed by Janet Green 's Murder Mistaken .
8 This is recognized by Hobbes 's method .
9 An outstanding example of this is given in Tate 's ( 1984 ) study of a group of Rastafarians of Dominican descent in Bradford .
10 The best account of all this is given by Massey ( 1984 ) , and her general argument will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 4 .
11 The best refutation of this is given by Olivia Bland : ‘ … such a cataclysmic event could never have been hushed up and yet , it does not appear in any of the other memoirs of the time .
12 Dividing consumption by disposable income for each year gives the apc and this is done for United Kingdom data ( 1976–87 ) in Table 3 .
13 Well yeah this is done in Croydon last year and the year before so yeah there would be a couple
14 This is illuminated by Gamble in his thesis that Thatcher 's policies represent simultaneous moves towards both a free economy and a strong state .
15 Mancini claimed that the king then tried to reconcile Hastings and Dorset , and this is echoed by Tudor sources .
16 Mancini claimed that the king then tried to reconcile Hastings and Dorset , and this is echoed by Tudor sources .
17 The case for this is argued by Jo Stephens ( 1989 ) ( CEO for Oxfordshire ) , when she characterises this partnership of LEA and school as ‘ looking with ’ rather than ‘ looking at ’ , and ‘ doing with ’ rather ‘ doing to ’ .
18 The need for this is revealed by Massey 's notion that spatial structures of production succeed one another but with successors shaped and influenced by the character of predecessors .
19 This is made on LR form 63 , signed by the cautioner or his or her solicitor and accompanied by a statutory declaration ( printed on the same form ) .
20 The only other VCR on the market which can do this is made by Panasonic and costs £1800 .
21 Similarly , Fatal Attraction has to endings , although this is denied by UIP .
22 An amusing instance of this is related by John Aubrey concerning an Oxford don , Thomas Allen ( 1542–1632 ) , who owned many mathematical and other scientific instruments .
23 This is covered by David Robinson in Chapter 7 and it is only necessary here to emphasise the need for some of the partners ( and to a lesser extent senior managers ) to allocate time to financial control and administration .
24 This is achieved via BT 's Global Network Service link and ISDN , and is as quick as making a local call .
25 This is manufactured by Sony Corp , while audio capabilities are provided by the Sound Blaster chip set .
26 ( This is illustrated for England in Figures 5.3 and 5.4 . )
27 This is illustrated by Lord Wilberforce 's speech when he said that the bill of lading containing the exclusion clause : … brought into existence a bargain initially unilateral but capable of becoming mutual , between the shipper and the [ stevedore ] , made through the carrier as agent .
28 This is illustrated by Pignataro v. Gilroy ( 1919 K.B. ) where we have seen that property passed to the buyer under section 18 , rule 5 .
29 This is illustrated by Siebe Gorman & Co .
30 This is illustrated by Lijphart 's ( 1984 , 1989 ) analyses of types of democratic political systems , which was initially based on two dimensions reflecting different aspects of majoritarian and consensual rule .
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