Example sentences of "this is [verb] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Like everything else , this is getting nearer to being over .
2 This is done first by examining the analytics of the cost and demand sides , the subject of this chapter , and then concentrating more on the internal structure of the firm ( in chapter 3 ) , in order to move on to the question of efficiency .
3 Airport staff put the information into LASMO 's computer system at check-in , and this is kept up-to-date throughout the duration of any offshore visit .
4 This is made clearer in the description of the London Beggar , whom Wordsworth did not help and yet who manifestly affected him considerably .
5 This is made worse for working-class women by the convention , which we noted earlier , that working-class families do not , in general , see their friends in their homes .
6 This definition suggests two of the major deficiencies of the international legal system — firstly that there is little one country can do if another fails to abide by the rules , and this is made worse by the second factor , the lack of a comprehensive single body of law that could form the basis of a truly coherent system .
7 This is made worse by the fact that five ‘ O ’ levels are the necessary qualification for a wide range of white-collar jobs , and therefore are regarded as a talisman for success .
8 This is made worse by the fact that using the wrong one ( such as ‘ no ’ when the keyname is expecting ‘ false ’ ) may be mistaken for ‘ true ’ .
9 This is made worse by the fact that few butchers hang their lamb these days , despite the fact that it only needs about a week to bring on the flavour .
10 This is made worse by the lack of clear objectives for the health service to which the formula can respond and attempt to follow .
11 Living about 12 miles from our nearest store my discount is largely , if not completely , used up by fuel costs and this is made worse by the fact that I live within two miles of two competitor stores .
12 17.29 We believe that , throughout the school years , all children should have ample opportunities to write poetry , either singly or in groups ; this is made explicit in the programmes of study .
13 This is made explicit in most sets of disciplinary rules , but is in any event a term built in to your contract by the common law .
14 This is made explicit in an executive letter which states that the ‘ objective of increasing the efficiency of the NHS will only be realised if competition delivers more in the value of savings and/or quality improvements than it adds to transaction costs ’ ( DoH , 1989g ) .
15 Ephesians 4:30 tells us that the Spirit seals us in preparation for the day of redemption : the ‘ already ’ and the ‘ not yet ’ are united in that phrase To speak of a ‘ firstfruits ’ inevitably takes one 's eyes to the ‘ not yet ’ ( and this is made explicit in Romans 8:23 ) .
16 This is made possible for us by means of sacrifice , devotion and the service of others .
17 This is made possible through the death and resurrection of Jesus .
18 This is made possible by adding switching stations , for instance at the end of every street , where the trunk lines terminate .
19 This is made possible by whipping up speed with a continuous pull on the lines by the flyer .
20 Obviously members of the same species can live in harmony together and this is made possible by the chemical messages which pass between coelenterates to allow individual coral polyps in a colony to recognise and avoid stinging one another and to signal that other neighbouring colonies of the same species are not a threat .
21 This is made possible by different cultural attitudes , secrecy in government and the sinews of party .
22 This is made possible by the use of a universal description method called a Page Description Language .
23 This is made possible by a patented transverse barrier on the upper surface of the tile , checking the flow of water .
24 The status of older people is also dependent on the social context in which people live , and this is made apparent by the wide variation in ageing patterns in different ethnic , geographic and socio-economic sub-cultures .
25 Nowadays this is made easier by the disciplines needed to keep a computer-based system operating tidily .
26 This is made easier by the shift in the ideological climate discussed earlier , since to be too soft on those convicted would be to prolong the permissive trend which had led to the high crime levels and the chronic economic problems .
27 This is made easier by confining the study to a small range of detailed case studies .
28 Please could you ensure that this is made clear on any notices that are put up and that the contractors doing the work are also aware that pedestrians , cyclists and people requiring access to property are to be allowed through .
29 In many cases this is made clear through a written code of practice .
30 This is made clear by s8 of the Partnership Act as follows : If it has been agreed between the partners that any restriction shall be placed on the power of any one or more of them to bind the firm , no act done in contravention of the agreement is binding on the firm with respect to persons having notice of the agreement .
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