Example sentences of "do [pers pn] [adv] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I agree with what you 're saying but when I 've done it before and involved the pupil in such a report I put it on a separate sheet , so that
2 So I mean obviously er if you 've done it before And have y have you done one before at all ?
3 The third one could do it physically and gets out far more .
4 So that 's why we have n't , he wanted twenty , the home secretary wanted twenty up and running before Christmas , he did n't say which Christmas , but we presumed he meant last Christmas , and we said no , we 'll do it properly and get it started up right
5 " I 'll do it again and leave you there unless you tell me where the seneschal is . "
6 Then they 'll now go into a maths lesson let's go into this , they 're gon na perhaps do that eight times , then they 're gon na get a breather , then a few days time after that the form teacher 's saying right , let's do it again and summarise it , I think it 's too much !
7 I could never of got them and got her hair cut cos she did do it slowly and got it level
8 And stats do take a bit of time to do and you can write off a couple of hours if you 're going to do it properly and make sure that you 've got your i's dotted and your t's crossed . ’
9 He decided , though , it would be best to do it alone and started searching for a new workshop where he could work in secret on a new plan .
10 earn a little extra income shall I put it and far from the majority of traditional methods they are to do it legally and set up little typewriting agencies etcetera and if you keep your eye on the notice boards you 'll see various .
11 If you have stress incontinence this exercise will help if you do it regularly and keep it up for several months :
12 Hoeing , the traditional way to keep weeds down during the summer , is very effective for beds and borders and among vegetables , provided you do it frequently and do not let perennial weeds form a good root system .
13 ‘ Then do it there and do it soon .
14 say do it once and say we want six years , put equals equals equals
15 It 's the basic principle of presentation : almost anything works well as long as you do it deliberately and explain it clearly and pleasantly , and make it interesting .
16 ‘ If you do it quickly and say you 're my doctor .
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