Example sentences of "do [not/n't] really [vb infin] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Consequently it did not really manage to achieve the level of plausibility of the more popularly accepted opposite view of classical criminology — that official processing deters further deviant acts .
2 ‘ We 'd better try to find the prisoners , ’ said Fenella at last , although she did not really want to leave the comparative safety of the wood-store .
3 ‘ She said she did not really want to go back to university and my husband told her she did not have to if she did not want to .
4 The queen dowager would probably have been considerably more of an embarrassment at large , and the Crowland chronicler implies that Gloucester did not really want to resolve the question .
5 The queen dowager would probably have been considerably more of an embarrassment at large , and the Crowland chronicler implies that Gloucester did not really want to resolve the question .
6 Poindexter , weary , did not really want to know and had no memory of the memo at all ; he told him he would see him at the office in the morning .
7 She did not really expect to see them again .
8 In all probability Craigbarnet did not really expect to displace Kirkton as collector , for as one of his friends put it , ‘ if your grace be not alrady ingaged it would be a great act of charity , but if you are he is willing to joyn him self wt any on[e] your Grace will name ’ .
9 Executive search consultants became , for the first time , acceptable rather than an odd , maverick collection of people that most companies did not really like to admit using .
10 During his session with the unfortunate staff at Caterer and Hotel Keeper he was always wheezing with laughter at something that did not really seem to warrant it .
11 The question of a couple being happy or unhappy did not really seem to arise .
12 But perhaps Mains did not really need to polish up his public relations , but simply to brush aside some of the habits , and myths about his early career .
13 She did not really need to ask herself the question .
14 The Tories did not really begin to recover as a party until Sir William Wyndham 's accession to the leadership from about 1724 .
15 She spent seven years working for Harper 's Bazaar as a fashion illustrator , also producing book illustrations , and did not really begin to concentrate on painting until during the war , whilst living near Regent 's Park which inspired the spiky pastoralism which often served as a poignant background to her paintings of children .
16 William S. Gray 's model ( 1972 ) , while stressing the reader rather than the text , did not really begin to provide insights beyond the intellectual activity of the reader .
17 THIS is such a delicious offering , of the kind that makes you chuckle in recollection on the way home , that I do not really want to give the game away by saying too much about what goes on .
18 Clearly if users present for treatment in ‘ bad faith ’ , that is , they do not really want to try to come off but are being either coerced or attempting to deceive ‘ authority ’ , then it is unlikely treatment will succeed .
19 We talk freely about emotions but do not really stop to think what they are .
20 We do not really have to think about what has to be done .
21 In a sense we do not really need to ask the question ‘ Does unemployment cause crime ? ’ or ‘ Do the under-privileged offend more than privileged . ’
22 As I do not really wish to purchase a new knitting machine until I have a ‘ practise ’ run I was really pleased , that was until I found out it was no longer available .
23 I am sure that you do not really wish to frighten me .
24 Marion glanced at the picture , but did n't really bother to take it in .
25 Erm unfortunately we did n't really start to play until Leicester scored but from then on I thought we dictated the game .
26 She did n't really expect to see him again that night .
27 He said today : ‘ I was n't sure what was going to happen and did n't really expect to make a decision . ’
28 Both their voices were low ; they did n't really mean to include him in the conversation , and it was noisy in the room ; people laughed and shouted , the music next door had been turned up .
29 Four days later , after the front-page splash headlines , intense team meetings and streams of trans-Tasman phone calls from ACB headquarters , Border said he did n't really mean to give the impression he would ditch the team .
30 I did n't think to erm , I did n't really think to tell her to wait .
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