Example sentences of "do [not/n't] [vb infin] too many " in BNC.

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1 His main concern appeared to be that he did not want too many parents to be able to read it because they would find it attractive .
2 He chose a route back down the hill that did not involve too many serious gradients , moving from Roseberry Road to Warburton Drive to Chesterton Terrace and , from there , doubling back along a series of streets with an offensively tangible air of esprit de corps — Lowther Park Drive , where people called to each other over their Volvos and , even worse , Stapleton Road , a place that seemed almost permanently on the verge of a street party .
3 Fortunately for Durkheim this did not present too many difficulties .
4 But , provided that parents are patient and do not ask too many questions too soon , they will usually hear something of what 's going on .
5 Philip prefers parties where the children are aged between five and nine , because they do not ask too many questions .
6 Although it is a good idea to make several copies at a time of your c.v. , especially if you are going to apply for a lot of jobs ‘ on spec. ’ , do not get too many done at once .
7 I think we 've erm we 've erm obviously learned that opting out is not for the Oxfordshire people — I 'm delighted about that and I just hope that as a result of this we do not see too many problems for Banbury School , both in the fact that the exercise has been somewhat divisory and I hope that they 're able to bring it together quickly afterwards .
8 Well do not let too many skeletons out of cupboards .
9 To avoid dampness , do not put too many leaves in the cage .
10 As you will realise , some offences are predominantly working-class and others predominantly middle-class , and it is important that self-report studies do not include too many offences typical of one group or class .
11 ‘ We do not have too many Woosnams , ’ said Mr Schofield , ‘ but we do have a lot of Fehertys and Montgomeries and for them to have survived one of the greatest tests is testimony to how strong we are becoming . ’
12 This is a good game if you do not have too many children at the party .
13 DO not have too many exotic and clashing tastes in one menu .
14 You do need to make sure that you programme all the back bed needles to knit periodically and remember to make sure that you do not have too many rows within the pin tuck area .
15 Egham looked dangerous going forward but shaky at the back and did n't create too many real clear cut chances .
16 Now I had watched the Villa v scum match on Monday with my united mate and did n't pass too many comments ( they were too bloody good to pass comment on ) when he heard that Leeds had lost again my life was hell .
17 When I first got into this thing I did n't ask too many questions .
18 And despite his conventional , always neat , lounge-suited appearance — even in his later , difficult years — he did n't like too many rules or restrictions .
19 I did n't have too many hassles .
20 She took an almost cold shower , then pulled on a clean pair of jeans and found a T-shirt that did n't have too many paint stains on it .
21 They went for more , but Nicky Hammond in the Town goal made sure they did n't have too many happy returns .
22 We raffled a car at Christmas in the John Radcliffe and collected everybody 's money , and we did n't have too many qualms of conscience about that , but one 's got to be very careful not to beg from patients , but I think er fun for all , a lottery is fun and we feel perfectly er acceptable towards this very worthwhile project when we 're given the cheque on Monday .
23 The result was that the dealers did n't take too many orders for the ‘ old ’ car .
24 Perhaps they are pests to a lot of people , but we did n't see too many flies around our estate during the hot summer , so they had their uses .
25 Do n't give too many signals on a small roundabout .
26 Although I can not go into too much detail , I would like to look at players between the ages of 15 to 17 , as they will hold the key to the future , but I do n't think too many of them would be ready in time for the 1995 European championships in Dublin .
27 ‘ I think the better the players are treated in these respects , the more enthusiastic is their response to the challenges before them , ’ points out McGilligan , ‘ Let's face it , the whole sport has become more professional off the field — and it 's good to see it — so I do n't think too many people would begrudge players a few wee perks . ’
28 Do n't do too many of them
29 do n't do too many of them
30 Do n't shed too many tears for the publishers of computer magazines and newsletters that major on the IBM Corp market : their readers need aid , comfort and advice more than ever now that the giant 's feet of clay have been so mercilessly exposed .
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