Example sentences of "do [not/n't] [vb infin] they [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 On second thoughts he also sent one of his aides to fetch blankets as well , for some of the ladies did not seem to be very decently attired and , although they did not look very enticing , he still did not want them to give his men ideas .
2 She assured the women she addressed that suffragists did not want them to give up ‘ one jot or tittle of your womanliness , your love for children , your care for the sick , your gentleness , your self-control , your obedience to conscience and duty ’ .
3 They visited the homes of the women , talked to husbands , fathers and fathers-in-law who did not want them to take part in any struggle , and they urged the women themselves to assert themselves .
4 But he did not want them to follow him under any false delusion .
5 But I did not want them to stay out in the cold all night , so I kept my window open to look out for them .
6 Rijkaard and Van Basten had travelled to Holland but Milan did not want them to play and both pulled out of the squad , Rijkaard with flu , Van Basten claiming he was tired after his trip to Tokyo for the World Club Championship .
7 which I asked if they would stay , but they altogether refused , and seeing that they refused I did not hinder them to go , for I will press no man .
8 Callaghan seemed to be implying that it was not enough to offer young people a broad liberal curriculum in school , if such a curriculum did not prepare them to face the unthinking anonymity of the factory production line .
9 Christina did not like them to receive such a bad impression of Crystal Springs .
10 Over 34% of pools with supervision kept no training records for lifeguards , while 43% did not allow them to concentrate solely on supervision .
11 But constant complaints were made by the forest inhabitants that the Forest officers did not allow them to exercise these common rights unless they paid illegal and extortionate dues .
12 The farmers were efficient but the size of the unit did not allow them to make a full-time living .
13 In discussions with me , representatives of all the major brewing companies have admitted that the orders did not force them to take those actions against the tenants .
14 We did not ask them to raise £250,000 to fund our project . ’
15 Branson did not need them to tell him the damage that could be done to the airline 's reputation by a story appearing about engine failure on the day before the inaugural flight .
16 He claimed that this amount did have significant effects on the person 's capacity to remember ( though presumably it did not cause them to remember their past experiences as yeast cells ! ) .
17 That did not cause them to escape the sharp edge of Jesus 's tongue .
18 However , while the company did not encourage them to approach schools , it was ‘ not something we can stop altogether ’ .
19 The beer orders did not require them to do anything of this sort .
20 When the children grew up they had a restricted freedom because the ‘ little people ’ did not permit them to go beyond certain points on a piece of land so the giants rebelled against this , thus starting a war .
21 Could we qualify that that we do not want them to go down School Lane ?
22 There are others who need to work out how dangerous it would be to do something that America and Europe do not want them to do .
23 We do not want them to inherit all our problems when it is their responsibility to create the wealth and care for the increased number of elderly and aged people in this country .
24 We do not want them to know we are coming . ’
25 As adults we are naturally protective of children and do not want them to suffer harm .
26 We have seen that caf can have several roles ; to move toward it we must break away from keeping our learners straightjacketed in systems that do not allow them to express their individual needs and ideas .
27 close curtains earlier in the evening but do not allow them to cover radiators
28 Millett basically dismisses the activities which have tended to dominate women 's lives as ‘ infantilising ’ , because they restrict women to the level , she argues , of the merely biological , and do not allow them to enter upon the ‘ fully human ’ activities which have been the province of men .
29 About er refurbishment and closure programme Mr talked about , a a refurbishment and closure programme is a Tory programme , not a Labour programme and of course this is all verified by Mrs coming along to the committee and saying please do n't close Barleythorpe Hall , please tell the people that you 're going to re-open Barleythorpe Hall , please do not allow them to think that it 's going to close .
30 ‘ We do not encourage them to follow fashions blindly , but suggest a set of variations which expresses their individuality . ’
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