Example sentences of "do [not/n't] [vb infin] [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 But he had a problem : the card she had so rapidly thrust into his hand was her business card , no home address , just Belmodes , Mouncy Street , which he knew but where he did not want to wait to visit .
2 Equally , they wanted to be able to reduce their manpower as orders were completed and did not want to have to carry excess staff during slack periods .
3 At the same time she was certain that Maggie did not want to have to cope with that .
4 Bismarck was alarmed ; he did not want to have to choose between his allies in a Balkan quarrel .
5 She did not want to have to think about problems , whatever they might be .
6 But she did not want to have to confront him right now , she thought frantically .
7 He did not want to have to speak for he did not want to hear the sound of his own voice .
8 She did not want to prepare to leave .
9 Seton had hardly spoken to any since his son 's death ; Gray was never loquacious ; and Ramsay not only again felt something like guilt at deserting Berwick in its hour of need , but did not relish having to tell the Randolph sisters the terrible news and the possibility that their brother might be one of the casualties .
10 Many of those who did not marry chose to live together instead .
11 The mare was not as fast as Grye but she had the edge on the stallion when it came to jumping , and Seb did not intend stopping to open any gates .
12 Before the originating summons was served upon the mother the father had not made her aware of his intention to ‘ go back ’ upon his letter of 23 September 1991 in which he had said that he did not intend to seek to have the children returned to Australia .
13 Julian did not feel called to reform the church or to take part in public life : she remained a loyal daughter of Mother Church and stayed in seclusion for the rest of her life .
14 But while the French did not feel encouraged to emigrate in large numbers , the 50,000 inhabitants of New France moved inland much more boldly than the Abbé Prevost might have made one expect .
15 Like Hsu , Fitzgerald had been a pupil of Malinowski , but he did not feel compelled to turn the Min Chia into Chinese .
16 Unfortunately that was insufficient to keep Ballingall employed , for the General was not on good terms with Ballingall , and clearly did not feel compelled to serve Lord Melville , and it was the latter whom Ballingall chose to blame for his misfortunes , complaining of the injustice of this treatment when ‘ Lord Melville never had a more staunch friend , nor strinuous supporter in the district of these Boroughs ’ .
17 Also on the visiting critics ' itinerary were such exotica as a barbecue dinner and a visit to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo ; your correspondent , a native Texan , had not been to the rodeo since 1961 , when he shook Roy Rogers 's hand , but none the less did not feel compelled to spice up this report with such familiar Texas seasoning .
18 Innocent 's imposition of an interdict was parried by the archbishop of Toledo who argued that such a sentence would only encourage heresy and the Muslims , but Innocent did not stop trying to break the marriage .
19 Perhaps because it seems so obvious , the theorists did not bother to try to find out whether delinquents did in fact hold delinquent values , but concentrated more on explaining how these values came about .
20 Richard did not like to have to think about two things at once , particularly at the end of the day .
21 Before she had managed it , she heard Glyn 's voice , and it seemed of the utmost importance that he did not begin to get to know the man who had come here and turned her small world upside-down so quickly .
22 But she did not seem to want to see it . ’
23 And I was only one out the family of nine that volunteered to go and none of me brothers or none of them that was all keen on the sea , they did not seem to want to go .
24 The senator did not seem to want to say much more .
25 As they could no longer live in trees and needed the plants with which they had co-evolved in the more seasonal habitats in the beginnings of agriculture , at least vegeculture , those who did not cultivate had to trade .
26 He did not find learning to pray an easy occupation .
27 ‘ He , too , had suffered under Miss Angus 's overbearing rule when he was at school , and he did not mind trying to make her look foolish .
28 There are very few professional aircraft accident investigating officials who do not appreciate the broad scope of the coroner 's ( or procurator fiscal 's or magistrate 's ) responsibilities but it is remarkable how many coroners have very little idea of what the technical aircraft accident investigator is trying to do ; and it is even more surprising that many do not bother to try to find out , even when an aircraft accident occurs in their area of jurisdiction .
29 I do not expect to have to remind a senior staff nurse that she should have more consideration for my dining-room staff ! ’
30 Nor should we expect the very few who do not want to teach to continue to do so when they might be more usefully employed in management , audit , service , or research tasks .
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