Example sentences of "do [verb] [is] that the " in BNC.

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1 What I do stress is that the judge should approach the exercise of the discretion with a predilection to give effect to the child 's wishes on the basis that prima facie that will be in his or her best interests .
2 What we do know is that the first Rottweiler to be registered with the New Zealand Club was Auslese Montrachet , who was imported from Australia .
3 What I do know is that The Da completely missed the point , as usual .
4 ‘ What I do know is that the scale of success we could be embarking upon far out-strips anything I experienced at Liverpool .
5 I 'm not very good at that sort of thing but … one thing we do know is that the Bravoes know we 're involved .
6 ‘ However , ’ Corbett continued , clasping his sword belt around his waist , ‘ one thing I do remember is that the preacher was really a gentle man ; he told my mother that Holy Mother Church merely wished to frighten its children except — ’ Corbett narrowed his eyes and looked through the doorway ‘ — for murderers , those who slay , especially the sons of Cain who plot with ice-cold malice the destruction of someone they hate . ’
7 What they do say is that the close coupling and phasing between the coprocessor and main processor makes a dramatic difference to coprocessor intensive applications , such as CAD , and will make a substantial difference to other coprocessor applications .
8 I do n't know , Bill , the major problem that we do find is that the gipsies produce the most emotive response of any matter which we talk about on the County Council .
9 However , what the questions and responses do illustrate is that the notion of a discipline or subject , which is the basic building-block of the undergraduate curriculum , far from being straightforward and clearly defined , is in fact extremely complex .
10 What does matter is that the Cabinet has got right not only the level of spending but where the money is to go .
11 I was majorly unpleased as you can imagine at the time but I think what it does show is that the Indians have got a terrific sense of humour .
12 What it does ensure is that the chef has complete control over some of the most vital tools of his trade , with computer guidance as an important aid .
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