Example sentences of "do [verb] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 In showing off their agility in a Force 2 , they learn what not to do to remain upright in a Force 5+ .
2 Now what were we doing to finish up with a piece like that ?
3 In the evolutionary version , the payoffs are changes in fitness ; hence , although they may be difficult to measure , they do fall naturally on a linear scale .
4 In this way , all the major towns fell peacefully into mujaheddin hands , although fighting , often ethnically rooted , did break out in a number of areas .
5 You , you did give once to a group a few years ago .
6 If standard steps are followed on each occasion , it should be easier to prevent mistakes occurring and ensure that the terms are incorporated into all contracts ; in addition , if the normal procedures do break down on a particular occasion , it may be possible to rely on the previous course of dealing .
7 That helped meet police costs that rose by 16 per cent to a record level of £9.28m , although the Trust did weigh in with a £2.24m contribution .
8 Critical or significant lesions do occur however in a high percentage of patients .
9 We really did work well as a team .
10 If they did set out on a journey , it was usually on business or a pilgrimage or to go to war .
11 He did move away for a while er and had er workrooms away from the , from the house and I just ran the , the shop .
12 This did happen frequently for a variety of reasons , but it was usually because of a worsening of weather conditions either at home base or over the target area .
13 If you did end up as a German , however , you still played to win and I can remember a kind of perverse pleasure in being determined to win , even though I was a German , which was something of a contradiction .
14 Well that practice did go on for a long number of years where the the riveter was the was the boss of the squad and on the Friday night , when er where it came knocking off time , he would collect the wages and he would divide that up between the squad which would be , a holder-on , a rivet boy , er maybe a putter-in , er again in my time , that was mostly a squad .
15 Yeah but he did go out with a girl there for a while did n't he ?
16 And , although I did go home for a few holidays , most I seem to remember were spent elsewhere with friends or at special holiday camps that some of the other boarders went to . ’
17 But , I take it a little step further because if I do go somewhere like a bus and people are smoking then I 'll actually approach and ask them to put it out .
18 And of course what very often happens these days , with such a high level of unemployment , is if it 's a fine that 's decided upon — and I think something like in three-quarters of the cases dealt with by Magistrates do end up with a fine — that it has to be scaled down because of the erm poor circumstance , poor financial circumstance in which the defendant is .
19 In September 1869 he writes : " I really do stand now at a centre from which Schopenhauerian threads reach out into all parts of the world " ; and it was in April , on th eve of his departure for Basle , that he had expressed the ambition to infuse his own philological discipline with " that Schopenhauerian seriousness … ;
20 Do come up for a day or so if there is the remotest possible chance .
21 She had remained her strong English self , and in truth she did put up with a good deal for in her terms a scholar 's life must always have stood for a life of privation , which would explain the furious resolve that clenched the lines in her face .
22 ‘ I wonder what dreadful thing I did to end up as a human being ? ’
23 I must admit they 're lovely to cuddle because they do curl up into a ball .
24 Watched by England number two Lawrie McMenemy , Stuart did get on as a 64th minute substitute , but added : ‘ It seems everyone else gets straight back into the side after injury except me .
25 True , Brian Robinson did get over from a maul on the All Black 's line before the worst happened — although the Australian referee , Sandy McNeill , was unfortunately the only individual within a hundred metres who failed to note the touchdown .
26 In some areas , most notably the liturgical and the ecumenical , Rome did get off to a good start in providing directives of a sort that would carry confidence at least temporarily ; even here , however , there was the inherent problem that a body of directives implied the establishment of a stable state ( e.g. in ecumenical relations ) , while the reality was in fact necessarily more fluid .
27 I do n't like doing movies anymore but I really enjoyed this , ’ and he did come up with a very eloquent retraction , which no one printed . ’
28 Erm and it , it was us , I mean not only do we , I mean we develop her a a response , that means , we , we work with Councillor 's we work with Senior Officer 's in other departments and we look at the policy angles , like for example with , with that piece of legislation , when , when we first realised what the impact for that legislation was , it was gon na mean that we were ten million pound short in our housing money basically , that was , that was what it looked like on the surface and you think oh my god how you gon na make up for that short fall , that would mean an eleven pound a week rise in rent , that 's what it worked out as , so , well we ca n't do that , how , and then you have to look at the legislation and you say what are the loop holes here , and erm , and it involves contacting outside organisations and getting there opinion and finding out what other Council 's are doing and responding to things like this , and we did come up with a way , of , of reducing that deficit , but that 's the kind of thing we do .
29 He did come on as a substitute against er Oxford in midweek and Frank Clarke 's first signing injured his shoulder in this collision with Speedy .
30 Ten years later , of course , he did come out after a rather agonizing process and he is now a gay activist himself in South London and the Labour Party .
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