Example sentences of "do [adv] [vb infin] have a " in BNC.

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1 Tom Murray did not want to have a lot of girlfriends , but just one for good , one he could be deeply serious about .
2 More than one bride 's father has been heard to say that he did not want to have a large engagement party if the wedding was to follow within a year because that would involve him in the organization and expense of ‘ two weddings ’ .
3 In front of the all-seeing eye of the TV camera , he did not appear to have a firm grasp of America 's problems or a clear understanding of where he wanted to go .
4 Although we did not appear to have a direct hit in any vital part ( and the engines were spared ) as soon as we dropped our bombs , and the photo-flash meant we had a picture of where we had left our load , we turned for home .
5 The education convener , Mervyn Rolfe , said that although Tayside did not appear to have a greater bullying problem than elsewhere , anything which impeded a pupil should be tackled swiftly and methodically .
6 In the leader column last week , on the same day Young Group 's shares were suspended , the newspaper felt sufficiently confident of Mr Young 's expertise to write : ‘ He is a man who has until recently made a great success of his business and it would be sad for the North-East if he did not continue to have a part to play . ’
7 The latter was more likely ; he did not seem to have a great deal of time for God .
8 Using analysis of variance in unifactorial and multifactorial models , age did not seem to have a bearing on any of the parameters of esophageal function .
9 It did not have to have a name .
10 They did not need to have a row for Barry to feel constantly undermined by Helen 's attitudes , spoken and unspoken .
11 Had she merely stated that she did not wish to have a baby , she would have been considered failing in what she saw as her role in life .
12 Ward J. took evidence on the telephone from Dr. F. , who had spoken to Miss T. in the maternity unit after she had stated for the second time that she did not wish to have a blood transfusion and before she had signed the refusal form .
13 I see wide attackers being allowed to come inside for shots , centre-backs who do not appear to have a clue about positional play and plenty of evidence to suggest that we are no longer producing defenders with the ability and confidence to cope on their own . ’
14 Middlesbrough are in with a fine chance of that second automatic promotion spot , especially as they do not appear to have a difficult run-in .
15 I do not intend to have a restrictive but rather an expansive definition .
16 A man and woman who do not want to have a baby can still enjoy lovemaking if they make sure the egg and sperm never meet , or if the egg is prevented from settling in the womb .
17 We do not want to have a future relationship of United States and Latin America reproduced in South Africa , which so many people talk about now when they talk about South Africa as the engine of growth if we have that kind of growth it 'll be distorted and none of the poor in South Africa or the region will benefit from it .
18 However , many women in this position do not like having a feminine title .
19 In addition , in Britain there is the peculiar phenomenon of the exercise of influence by groups that , according to the crude calculations of political arithmetic , do not seem to have a power base at all .
20 Moreover , the best lunar analogue for the Mercurian smooth plains are not the maria , which are the best candidates on the Moon for volcanic activity , but the lunar highland plains , which do not seem to have a volcanic origin .
21 This is a question on which I do not vet have a view .
22 Firms do not have to have a written relocation policy ; although there are obvious advantages if they do .
23 They did n't tend to have a lot of furniture .
24 ‘ Bob did n't choose to have a heart attack .
25 We did n't intend to have a five-piece group so we played with Craig and , in the meantime , Andy returned and we 'd gotten on so well with him that we decided to continue as a five-piece …
26 ‘ I did n't fancy having a lot of kids tearing about the house , but , having brought up my own , I did n't feel I had an excuse .
27 Now should we say that B on seeing the pencil after seeing instruments which he did n't know had a feeling of familiarity ?
28 Did n't know had a glass house did you ?
29 You did n't need to have a , a long form report in front of you I think , to draw the conclusion .
30 The British government did n't seem to have a coherent policy for dealing with the hostage situation , they just wanted to teach the kidnappers a lesson .
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