Example sentences of "do [adv] [verb] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Because I mind our Dad saying : ‘ She 'd do better to take on a class o' twelve-years-olds than take on Walter Machin ! ’
2 ‘ After 10 years of employment legislation focused on what unions and their members may not do , the Government would do better to spell out the positive rights it believes trade union members are entitled to at the workplace . ’
3 I 'm not going to Nettos today I 'll make do just go down the bottom .
4 Later , comedians adapted the words to ‘ Do n't go down the mine , Daddy , there 's plenty coal in the cellar ’ .
5 But some people it took three weeks to do I do n't know how the hell it did that , and I did n't even know
6 To tell the truth , I could do with a pee , but I du n no where the toilet is .
7 I du n no where the bun shop is .
8 and they are excepting a lump sum from the Government and they 're going to manage themselves and make a going concern of it as a business and any profits they get will go back to that hospital , well the community unit are opting out as well , they 're hoping to opt out , but if Labour get in , they 're gon na do away with all that and they want to undo all the one 's that have opted out , I mean I du n no how the hell they 're gon na do it
9 Apart from that , life had taught her to pry because sometimes doing so turned up the most surprising things .
10 They have little experience of the style of presentation in higher courts ‘ and it matters ’ and whilst a number of solicitors are extremely good others ‘ let themselves down in court ’ and in doing so let down the solicitors ' branch of the profession as a whole .
11 Indeed , by channelling the perceptual cycle and , in so doing also slowing down the looking process , grid technique extends the period of appraisal in a way that counters those rapid and dismissive habits associated with functional looking .
12 Wednesday were twice in trouble in the first half — Woods doing well to tip over a Marcus Marin shot , and Nigel Worthington clearing a Witeczek header off the line .
13 But it was n't like the long white er the wild white clover but it did only did maybe a year or two .
14 The report suggested that the Bulgarian leadership did not give up the idea until Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in the Soviet Union in 1985 .
15 Something to account for her needing to get into the Workshops , but something that did not give away the Beastline people 's plans to attack Tara ?
16 He insisted the polls indicated that the voters did not want either the Tories or Labour to win outright .
17 The things which came out in therapy did not make up a complete , finished jigsaw , as I might have imagined .
18 Luke even hints that the Romans did not carry out the execution of Jesus but that the responsibility was that of the Jews ( Luke 23:25–26 ) . )
19 The man he left in charge did not carry out the duties expected of him .
20 He went the long way home , but did not go down the little gang plank to the barge of a friend of his — a woman who kept ten or so cats on board and brewed some awful drink out of peaches .
21 ‘ I did not throw down the gauntlet !
22 At the presentation , Sir Humphry did not pass up the chance to impress upon the business world the great value of science to their endeavours : ‘ Science , gentlemen , is of infinitely more importance to a state than may at first sight appear possible ; for no source of wealth and power can be entirely independent of it ; and no class of men are so well able to appreciate its advantages as that to which I am addressing myself .
23 The Court accepted that the agreement did not formulate precisely the inhabitants ' rights but thought them sufficiently precise for judicial enforcement .
24 The court in the Reference did not lay down a closed list : the public interest was the governing consideration .
25 That arranged between Henry V and Duke Philip of Burgundy , imposed upon the sick king , Charles VI , and then formally registered ( or approved ) by France 's highest judicial body , the Parlement , did not carve up the kingdom , at least not on paper .
26 For our purposes , however , the most important result was that the Mortgage Act 1949 did not change fundamentally the Roman-Dutch law on parate execution .
27 The liberals of Cadiz , therefore , did not represent merely a minority group within the political nation in spite of their imperfect election credentials ; as far as there was a political nation , it was reformist .
28 If the frustration of subsequent queues for material did not bring about the state clearinghouses , then easier local access for librarians to material in their own state certainly encouraged their establishment .
29 However , this revelation did not bring about the destruction of Euclidean geometry , it simply added to it .
30 Nevertheless , it was a defiant stand which was to be admired even if the final outcome did not bring about the desired result .
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