Example sentences of "they 'll [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Er it 's important to keep that constant twenty four hours a day there 's a danger area when new born babies are actually put into their own rooms , particularly in the winter , if they 're in the room with their , with their parents and the room temperature falls very low , the parent 's likely to notice and get cold themselves which means they 'll pay attention to the baby , if the baby is far end of the house , up the north end where the wind 's blowing , right , er what else can we do to keep the baby warm ?
2 He says they 'll bring food to them every day to build up trust .
3 They 'll mean ignorance of best practice will no longer be a defence for companies in any future legal action by an employee .
4 If you pay through a travel agent , they 'll hold money on your behalf until a contract is created ( see above ) , after that the money is held by the travel agent on our behalf .
5 Also they 'll show Scum vs Newc on the 11th .
6 2 Regiments are coming and they 'll form part of the new Royal Logistic Corps .
7 They 'll gather information on how the wind behaves closer to ground level .
8 In the second and third years … drama , dance and music are taught together , but with three staff timetabled ; so at any one time we split the groups up we 've got group numbers of about 20 — three staff between two forms — and they 'll say work in drama on a theme for six weeks , then move on and explore that theme in music , then move on and explore that in dance .
9 On November 7 and 8 they 'll take part in a new two-section grand final , with a specialist round on the Saturday and a general fishkeeping knowledge round on the Sunday .
10 They 'll take place in December .
11 They 'll take care of everything .
12 They 'll need confirmation in writing . ’
13 IXI does n't think those users will need to be tempted by special offers promotions though , believing they 'll come flocking of their own accord .
14 Heart Shaped Face : Veils that become fuller below the ear will suit you best because they 'll add width to the jawline .
15 It found that on average , women expect to be taken out to dinner ten times before they 'll have sex with a man . ’
16 Now usually in the exams they work it so you ca n't do that cos they give you a graph already drawn and they 'll have sort of erm two squares is equal to one unit along the bottom but only one square equals one unit
17 Those wavering voters who were made nervous by Kinnock 's Boyo Valley exuberance are comforted by the dignified but determined way in which Mr Smith , the Edinburgh attorney par excellence , reassures them that , as it were , not only will they get the house , they 'll get custody of the children as well .
18 And they 'll get tea at in the stack yard or wherever they were .
19 Britain 's first electric buses have gone into service — it 's hoped they 'll cut pollution in a city centre .
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