Example sentences of "they could have [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Any of them could have hidden a secret staircase .
2 I know they are all going to get a great deal out of this experience , I am deeply grateful for all the help that is being given them , they have had such a worrying time , I do not think one of them could have had a holiday this year without help , but I have faith to think it will be a good investment for the WEA .
3 Their total vote of 1,510 was 600 votes short of Conaty ( Independent ) with 2134 , and no amount of vote transfer between them could have postponed the elimination of any of them until after Conaty .
4 Because if you achieve a hundred percent of what 's in your plan , there 's always a danger that they could 've achieved a hundred and ten percent of what was in your plan and have n't been working hard .
5 Or they could 've got a plane to Paris , nobody would have stopped them .
6 Sharpe reckoned it could not take the enemy longer than an hour to overrun the fragile line of Dutch-Belgian troops , and in one further hour they could have fortified the crossroads to make them impassable to the British .
7 Anger flared , for surely they could have dressed the poor thing better .
8 In addition they could have gained a seat in Belfast West if Republican Clubs supporters had transferred to SDLP in that constituency as well .
9 If Hereford had made more of their chances they could have hit the headlines
10 Buyers who have paid high prices do not discover that they could have obtained the same goods at lower prices ; sellers who have sold for low prices do not discover that they could have obtained higher prices .
11 They could have accepted the arguments of the prosecution and the apparent evidence of the video footage and convicted the four Los Angeles police officers .
12 I do n't see how they could have caused an explosion .
13 Perhaps the police had n't searched in there ; if not , they could have missed a vital clue after all .
14 They could have snatched the game with some better finishing .
15 There was therefore no need for them to decide whether and by what powers they could have handled the matter if they had thought that there was any merit in either of them .
16 Powerful , calloused , sunburnt , they could have twisted the white swan neck of Lady Eleanor as easily as a twig .
17 Jeanette Howse of the Didcot Railway Centre explains that Kenneth 's popularity means they could have invited a thousand guests .
18 A packet of Jaw Breakers cost 15 pence for four.But they could have cost an eight year old boy his life .
19 But they could have cost an 8 year old boy his life .
20 If they had been younger , they could have scaled the Rockies in this high-stepping habit .
21 But I did feel that perhaps they could have bent the rules a little .
22 ‘ If they were spirits , or rogue hewkin babes , they could have plucked an image from your mind , like a berry from a bush .
23 The thecodonts started off small , so their surface areas were large in comparison with their volume ; they could have felt the cold more , and a heat-transmitting skin was a liability .
24 I would rely on Mr Yeltsin and Mr Gorbachev that the only possible way in which they could have reached the eminence they have today is through membership of the party .
25 However , it seems likely that they could have given the 1968 Act a more liberal interpretation since it merely requires a local authority to provide sewerage wherever it can but within the bounds of reason and by no means universally .
26 They could have filled the cellars of Masham with McEwans 80/ and Youngers No. 3 from Edinburgh or with the new Theakstons-on-Tyne which the locals declare is a far inferior brew .
27 They 're both — were both — well over twenty-one , and they could have made a deal which essentially bought out Angela 's life interest for a capital sum and then Miss Huntley would have got the rest . ’
28 It 's tricky , as someone who skis and mountaineers , to whine about the encroachment of ski developments in Scotland , especially when the developers of Aonach Mor spilt so much ink about how they were ‘ conservation friendly ’ , they could have made a major motion picture out of their press releases .
29 ‘ My ancestors in the Scottish islands used to farm seaweed and if they 'd had our technology they could have made a dish like you 're eating now .
30 Mrs Marston actually came to the town on the Bishop 's Castle Railway with her parents when she was a young girl , and when we formed the BCRS she told us that it is difficult to see how they could have made the move , complete with furniture , in any other way in those days .
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