Example sentences of "they did [adv] [vb infin] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This raised three different problems ( or opportunities , as we say in marketing ) : overall , the quality of the stores was higher than expected by people used to Allied Carpets ' promotional style ; people were not fully aware of the extent of the offer — they did not associate Allied with furniture and beds ; and , in a market where independent retailers are still the dominant factor , they had low expectations of Allied 's standards of personal service .
2 People lived and died there ; they did not grow old there , because no one could live for very long in the Robemaker 's hands .
3 They were stained with the Grimelius silver method , reacted rather weakly with neuron specific enolase antibodies , and in general strongly with chromogranin A antibodies , while they did not express argent affinity or immunoreactivity for gastrin , somatostatin , enteroglucagon , human pancreatic polypeptide , and peptide YY .
4 They did not express public opinions and were rarely touched by even those organisations , trade unionist , political or otherwise , which bothered to appeal to them .
5 As Table 14 shows , the overall distribution of material in need of repair was such that more than three-quarters ( 78% ) of all defective items issued were classified only as ‘ Poor ’ since they did not show major deterioration , while just under a fifth ( 18% ) were classified as ‘ Bad ’ .
6 There was no reason for him to do so because the claims that he wished to make were quite simple ( they did not involve complex interactions of different speaker variables ) , and because in his analysis the same patterns were repeated for every variable studied , tending in the same direction in every case in terms of both class and style ( several classes and several styles ) .
7 Not only did the Dissenters still suffer civil disabilities , but they could still be prosecuted for worshipping outside the Church of England if they did not fulfil certain requirements at law .
8 The Christians were strongly opposed to child exposure , actively rescuing foundlings , and deplored abortions which they did not think defensible except with arguments that equally justified infanticide .
9 The Rouhanyoun faction protested as some 1,100 prospective candidates were eliminated by the committees on the grounds that they did not meet minimum educational and other standards .
10 They did not meet prior to the civil marriage ceremony and spoke only briefly then .
11 Most of them arose as a result of an all-Russian phenomenon in 1922 — the lack of co-ordination and exchange of information between the centre and the localities , together with nonchalant neglect of provincial problems so long as they did not affect central political issues .
12 On the one hand , they did not want working class hooligans swarming all over the country causing mayhem .
13 They did not want outside intervention in the collective bargaining process from representatives of more broadly-based trade unions since such interference could be inimical to the preservation of paternalistic employee relations within the undertaking ( Okochi et al . ,
14 For married women this tendency was even more pronounced — Temporary workers working part-time were also more likely to have taken temporary jobs because they did not want Permanent jobs , whilst among those working full-time inability to find a permanent job was by far the most frequent reason given .
15 Reflecting these last results is the finding that fixed-contract workers tended to have taken their temporary jobs in response to a lack of permanent work , whilst seasonal , temporary or casual workers had done so because they did not want permanent work .
16 With the aid of the LFS we were able to examine further the extent to which members of the temporary labour force in the hotel and catering industry were working on that basis because they had been unable to find permanent jobs , and to what extent they were doing so because they did not want permanent jobs .
17 They did not want arty philosophical essays .
18 But they were never ones for the tilling of the soil ; and they did not make great hunters .
19 As has been argued already , most students believed that there was an answer , that physics did provide certainty ; and they did not make philosophical connections between the ideas of modern physics and the existence or otherwise of absolute truths about the universe .
20 The statues in question are inseparable from the archaic series ; their freshness of surface suggest that they did not stand long above ground ; and it seems to me a reasonable conclusion that they were dedicated in the years immediately before the invasion .
21 There would be little point in having these different norms ( which are arbitrary in linguistic terms ) if they did not carry social meaning , distinguishing between one community and another and carrying a sense of community identity for speakers .
22 Programmes would wither away if they did not command sufficient local support .
23 They did not remain blind for long .
24 lt appeared that they did not represent national cultural concepts in Japan .
25 Particularly in their polemical passages they have a freshness and directness , such assurance that the world is now their oyster , that it is easy to forget that they did not go uncriticized .
26 In most cases they did not go far or , if they did , the paths from their region to the city had been well-trodden by kinsmen and neighbours , like the hawkers and seasonal building workers who had long been in the habit of coming up to Paris from central France , whose numbers grew with the constructional work of Paris until , after 1870 , they turned from seasonal into permanent migrants .
27 They did not go pale , or frown , or faint .
28 Eighty-eight per cent of people interviewed were against the control of water services passing from regional councils and 60 per cent said they did not understand joint board arrangements for providing local services .
29 In a letter to the Independent , a representative of the Irish Freedom Movement alleged that , at the annual anti-internment march in London on 6 August 1988 , there were over thirty arrests , with the charges ranging from threatening behaviour to affray and some accused being ‘ granted bail only on condition that they did not attend political meetings or marches ’ .
30 Official milestones were authorised on the London to Chester road in 1744 , but they did not become compulsory until 1773 .
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