Example sentences of "they had [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They had n't that veil on them like they used
2 M. B. The Federation helped us but they had n't any teeth .
3 and how he 'd seen prison and er they 'd said they had n't any prisons but he found one and erm hospitals and all that sort of thing and at the end of the week 's visit erm one of the very high ups , whom he named and I 've forgotten the name of him , I think I 'll just use that , thank you erm sent for h he , he was brought before him as it were and the man said to him are there any questions er at the end of your week that you want to ask and he said well perhaps there is one he said erm Winston Churchill was here erm a month or two , a few months ago
4 He asked them why elephants did n't ride bicycles and explained that it was because they had n't any thumbs to ring the bell with .
5 He told me how he 'd been conned three times that week by people who took ten-quid rides , then said they had n't any cash but offered to leave a watch with him while they went inside ( usually a block of flats ) to get some dosh .
6 Eva protested that they had n't enough money .
7 They had n't got what people call the ‘ right connections ’ , they had just one thing in common .
8 I think that if they had just local lads to contend with there would be no problems .
9 As for the bunks that replaced them ( morgue slabs more like ) , they had just enough space if you played dead .
10 But , if anything , they had rather fewer night calls .
11 In the in vivo assay both mutations behaved as the wild type , but they had slightly lower affinities than wild type in vitro as judged by gel retardation assays .
12 Last year alone they had over 400,000 winners and paid out more than £40 million .
13 The hippos , she thought , with a sure hunter 's instinct , the hippos always mate at the full moon , to whelp during the monsoon , as they had since Tertiary times .
14 They had big half circles of pure white skin below .
15 It was found that words were named faster ( i.e. , the task was easier ) when they had high spatial redundancy , and the same was true for nonsense nonwords created specifically for the experiment ( e.g. , " cird " and " bosket " , in contrast with " ilso " and " abtion " ) .
16 They had not much time .
17 There was , however , room for two pages of details of other excerpts records in the same series : why anyone would be any more interested in these than in the Humperdinck if they had not more information than that supplied with this CD was not clear .
18 He said they had to allow the Japanese to retain their arms because they had not enough men to collect them .
19 They had thick flat soles , to each side of which was stitched a straight flap of leather .
20 In fact , they had even greater discretion , because they were allowed to charge from nothing up to twice the standard community charge .
21 Oxford begin the build-up to their Varsity defence with a bigger overseas influence than they had even last season .
22 They had very little sense of history or even of past and future .
23 The gentlemen in Virginia were in no position to do this ; they had very little money to spend in a gentlemanly way and no particular experience of colonization to give them any other claims to respect and obedience , as nothing got done and about 60 of the 100 initial settlers died in 1607 .
24 But that 's the way the game goes and erm I think as we said ‘ as the game went on , you always had the feeling that in fact Charlton , although they had very little pressure , would sneak a goal , ’ and of course that 's exactly what they did .
25 They had very little time .
26 On the other hand , some may never have placed such emphasis on independence in their lives , or never felt that they had very much independence in the first place .
27 In fairness to the LTA , in the particular circumstances of the time , I do not believe that they had very much option .
28 Fourth , many participants frankly admitted that they had very low expectations at the outset : specifically that the course was simply designed to punish them , in return for which they would give the minimum amount of attention possible .
29 They had very firm views about poison .
30 They had very good women at this level .
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