Example sentences of "they can [vb infin] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In small groups they can decide in advance on the questions they want to ask .
2 Such measures need cash , and although they can contribute to malaria control , they can never suffice by themselves .
3 With only this single shock affecting prices the signal extraction problem facing suppliers disappears : they can infer with confidence from their local price what the relative demand shock is .
4 She asks them how they can sleep at night .
5 Referring to complaining neighbours the Hanleys she said : ‘ I just do n't know how they can sleep at night next door because I could n't , knowing that I 'd done that to someone . ’
6 Fulfilment of their legal obligation , would send a powerful message to the contestants : to the Palestinians of the occupied territories that they can hope for protection , and to Israel that it can not disobey international law with impunity .
7 Others find in the rose elaborated chemical compounds readily available that they can utilize for colour pigments , their own body structures — and even scents to attract each other !
8 They can adapt to kennel life but they MUST have lots of human contact .
9 In a planted pond the fish will find plenty of algae and insect larvae on which they can feed in order to survive .
10 German and Japanese firms , knowing that they can rely on sound and stable government , also know that there is no great risk to them in early mechanisation .
11 ‘ We certainly do n't want to alarm anyone , but it is important for people to know what they can do in advance to prepare their homes against damage . ’
12 1982 ; Jain , 1986 ) , under the right conditions they can be ( Levitan and Taggert , 1976 ) and indigenous paraprofessionals can make a particularly valuable contribution to these efforts because of the unique bridging function they can serve between service providers and service recipients .
13 The reason people go at dark is to , they can go under cover of dark and , cos they do n't want to be seen .
14 They 're also testing exactly how far they can go with mum and dad .
15 In other words , the body 's detoxification enzymes have evolved to deal with a certain range of naturally occurring chemicals — they can go to work on synthetic ones , but on the way to breaking them down they may produce intermediates that are harmful .
16 They can go to work when about one year old and have a working life up to the age of approximately ten years .
17 They can go to work for Skillbase , and we guarantee minimum 90 days a year work for about 40% of the previous base pay . ’
18 Still , as Sidcombe stuffed us twice this season they can go to hell .
19 Well I say to them , they can go to hell .
20 The requirement that a candidate must get the support of 20 per cent of the Parliamentary Labour Party in order to stand is like asking someone to collect 13,000 nominations in a constituency before they can stand for parliament .
21 They can vary in length , weight and continuity , but their direction should never be in doubt , if they are to maintain a co-ordinated space and time .
22 They need to find the killers of Peter and Gwenda so they can rest in peace .
23 They can distinguish between two sounds which are only 18 inches apart at a distance of 60 feet ; they can separate with ease two sounds that are coming from the same direction , but at different distances ; and they can differentiate two sounds that have only a half-tone of difference between them .
24 What is clear , though , is that the bereaved have a special place in God 's kingdom and this should be reflected in his church so that bereaved people can feel that they have at least one known place where they can feel at home .
25 Andy Swapp , manager of Blackwells ' Art & Poster Shop , argues that non-book paper products are not to be sniffed at , and explains why booksellers should consider stocking diaries , calendars and cards not only for the contribution they can make to profitability but also for the dramatic way in which they support and enhance book displays and promotions
26 They can think about language , uncover its systematicity , think and talk metalinguistically .
27 And then they can think about language and how people use language .
28 In contrast to the BES , investors have no limit on the amount they can invest in enterprise zone property .
29 er because you know , if we wait till the twenty eighth of October er that you know , wo n't suit their purpose which is that they would like to get on with this so they can invest in plant renewal .
30 They can lead to lack of clarity about who does what , fail the local loyalty test , are less efficient at making decisions .
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