Example sentences of "they can [be] [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 They can be stated in a number of different ways , but they are generally accepted to be :
2 They can be treated in the short term with an anti-male hormone injection from the vet and this will see them safely through difficult periods without the need for the unkindest cut .
3 Not being part of the Chewong social universe , they operate according to different rules but , interestingly , this does not mean that they can be treated in qualitatively different ways — such as be attacked .
4 They can be grown in a large number of different ways but are typically one or two microns thick though they may be millimetres or even centimetres long .
5 We all know that the best dishes for entertaining are those that require little last-minute attention , and they 're better still if they can be prepared in advance and frozen .
6 They can be prepared in advance to ensure you do n't miss out on the firework fun .
7 They can be cut in two separate operations or , if three alternating veneers are taped together , the top one bearing the pattern , both halves of the design can be cut in one operation .
8 The four legs and four rails that will make up the seat-jointing section are cut oversize so that they can be cut in half .
9 They can be expressed in the form of 4 propositions about the shaping of multidisciplinary working styles .
10 What I shall do now is try to back up this last statement by sketching some of the characteristics of childish thought , showing how they can be explained in constructivist terms .
11 On a square or round table they can be arranged in a circle around a group of tall candles or a bowl of fruit .
12 So many people visit the countryside and pick wild flowers because they find them pretty , only to have those flowers wilt and die long before they can be arranged in a vase .
13 They can be arranged in three classes .
14 If there are any errors or admissions , however , we are very sorry and would be pleased to hear of them so that they can be rectified in next year 's list .
15 And if you ca n't wait to taste them , you 'll be pleased to know that they can be defrosted in a microwave !
16 To say that the reproduction of the capitalist mode of production requires a number of conditions to be met is not an explanation of how they are met , of what happens if they are not met , of whether they can be met in ‘ functionally equivalent ways ’ , or of why these needs are met .
17 However , it is necessary to recognize these limitations of enumeration so that they can be overcome in practice .
18 At present , however , there are often neither the places nor funds available for very young autistic children to receive the schooling they need , and although they can be placed in general ESN(S) schools , they may be unable to provide the particular forms of training which the autistic child will need .
19 They can be placed in just about any position subject to the layout of the house , land available and , where appropriate , planning permission .
20 However , they can be placed in your normal luggage if they are properly packed and insulated .
21 Fast drying enables a rapid overpainting , they are flexible and versatile , adhering to a variety of surfaces and they can be painted in large , flat blocks of colour , useful in hard edge , pop or optical art painting for example .
22 Gardening in miniature can be just as rewarding , keep pots and plants in proportion and position where they can be viewed in detail
23 Micro Resources ' SwitchTerm is an X Window and Unix-based tool that enables network managers to consolidate multiple operating systems onto a single console , where they can be viewed in windows on the screen .
24 This means they can be stored in a scientific calculator .
25 The advantage of single records is that they can be stored in CKD format — with separate keys — and the track can be scanned for a particular record without having to read unwanted records into main storage .
26 They can be stored in the FINDER system which is more generally accessible within BPX : ‘ You can regenerate all the maps at the press of a button .
27 Biologists have been pressured to find a ‘ cause ’ for the invasions , so they can be nipped in the bud .
28 By being able to recognize and share mutual difficulties , they can be tackled in partnership .
29 The BMA has has today urged GP 's to get the message across to youngsters , that they can be consulted in confidence .
30 G.P. 's are now being told to get the message across : that they can be consulted in confidence .
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