Example sentences of "they will be the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Those who depend solely on their licensed dealers to find them another Polly Peck ( probably the most spectacular penny share success ever ) are probably doomed to disappointment If they are lucky , they will be the blind led by the blind .
2 They will be the contact of the Assistant Director ( Branches ) within the branch and a strong , supportive relationship should be built up .
3 Because temper tantrums , aggression and verbal abuse often feature in children 's reactions to being thwarted , they will be the subject of my discussions on how to cope more effectively .
4 Nottinghamshire , who won the Sunday league last year , will be hoping for something with more prestige this time and with Chris Lewis and Chris Cairns augmenting an already talented staff , they will be the team to beat .
5 The 32-year-old Londoner has yet to secure a contract with the team for 1994 , and after finishing second to fellow Williams ' driver Alain Prost in yesterday 's opening qualifying session , said : ‘ I have had a fantastic opportunity with this team and I believe they will be the team to beat again next year .
6 We hope the branches and members w w will believe those reports because they will be the truth , and not some of the more highly coloured statements which I 'm sure will be put around from time to time .
7 ‘ They may feel they will be the number ones , but I am very pleased with my new partner .
8 Make certain that your slides are good ones as they will be the focus of the talk .
9 Ubiquitous at all of them will be the caricature form of Harry Hopper pie eater , real ale quaffer and sedulous seeker of programmes .
10 On the other side , the fraught quality is greatly heightened and increased by the feeling I 've already described that the Treasury 's figures are there and absolute and that to transgress beyond them will be the end of civilization as we know it , and interest rates will go sky high and hyperinflation will return .
11 Above them will be the set of newly retired warriors , while above this set will be sets of elders , their relative status depending on their social ages , who will be responsible for internal political and legal matters and perhaps for communicating with the gods .
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