Example sentences of "they would have [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There was no question , of course , as to which of them would have to put the proposal for ‘ protection ’ to Cowley .
2 But there were some people you know on a smallish farm , they did n't have an oil engine , then they would have to turn the scrapper by hand .
3 To do this , they would have to examine the parts in relation to each other since they work together to maintain the organism .
4 They wanted to know how much help they would have to give the Sutton pupils .
5 I mean you like the ordinary houses are , there 's no room and you could not bend the coffin with a person in it so they would have to take the window or the bedroom or wherever the corpse was
6 If they travelled alone or in couples , it was of course dear William who met them , carried their luggage , bought their tickets , but once at the docks , they would have to do the rest of the trip alone .
7 Those preferring to have them collected , or to take or send them individually , were mostly older people , and people in lower socio-economic groups , and people who — when they were talking about being so short of money that they would have to arrange a loan — thought in terms of a relatively small amount of money .
8 The procession takes place whatever the weather but Mr Cecil Hitch thought one year they would have to call a halt because of the terrible conditions .
9 However , the case of R v South Glamorgan Appeals Committee ex parte Evans ( 1984 ) showed that when looking at individual claims for a school place , it was necessary for an appeal committee to determine first whether the admission of one further child would prejudice efficient education at the school ( with the onus on the LEA to show that it would ) : if they concluded that it would not , they would have to allow the appeal .
10 It was obvious they would have to abandon the run of Caesar and Cleopatra and close the theatre until an actor could be found to portray Hook .
11 By then the office would be busy and they would have to contrive a meeting where they would be unobserved .
12 An incurable optimist , she was sure that they would find some way of making their living , but she knew that her sister was afraid they would n't — and in that case , of course , they would have to let the cottage , and separate after all .
13 He asked why it was said that if Denmark and Britain rejected the treaty they would have to leave the EC , when this had not been said of France or Germany .
14 Against this they would have to offset the cost of credit control which , in the light of these figures , would still be profitable .
15 Then they would have to sell the farm .
16 To settle this , they decided that they would have to improve the detector still more .
17 It was a pity they would have to cross the car off .
18 Not only should they fill posts in the lower Soviets — they should grasp the core of the political problem , which was cultural in essence : they would have to run the literary points , the schools , and the agricultural centres themselves in order to push the peasantry into the twentieth century and towards socialism .
19 They would have to develop a wider vision .
20 He was disgusted by Pete , but they would have to share the same space for years .
21 It is at least arguable : the employers did after all give in when faced with a strike , and effectively surrendered on this very question for the future , since they would have to pay the male rate to all the new ( male ) monotypists .
22 On the return journey , the boys were apparently challenged by the ticket collector on the train , who explained that the receipt was not a valid ticket , and that they would have to pay the full fare .
23 To do so they would have to buck the very system on which they now depend .
24 According to Mr Hornsby , ‘ One of the investors was a client of Clark Whitehill and at an early stage while he was still a client , the firm wrote to him saying if he did n't declare what his interests were , they would have to inform the Revenue . ’
25 Where such a sovereign state has been created by a grant of independence , the courts may be more reluctant to take back power in that they would have to recognise the political fact that the state in question is a foreign country and no longer part of the legal order of this country .
26 Then , at the end of the day , wet and tired , they would have to make the same walk back again .
27 The judges discharged the costs order made against the wives for the High Court hearing , but said that they would have to meet the council 's bill for the appeal .
28 In other words , they would have to meet the difference .
29 If any murderer lurked there , they would have to cover the ground and he had brought something special .
30 They would have to avoid the Warden 's forces , in these circumstances , so would require to plan their approaches carefully , keeping away as far as possible from Teviotdale and Tweeddale .
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