Example sentences of "they have been [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Native birds of region , from Caucasus and SW Asia , all belong to black-necked colchicus type , with rather dark and purplish plumage , lower back and rump mainly rufous , and no neck ring ; these were first introduced in W Europe and in Britain , where they have been present for at least 900 years , used to be known as the ‘ Old English ’ type .
2 And they say I ca n't remember it just happened so quick that I ca n't remember , they have been unconscious for a , it may be just a split second , it 's affected the brain , they are concussed .
3 As Kenneth Clark states in his classic study The Nude : ‘ [ Artists ] have found it easier to compose harmoniously the larger units of a woman 's torso ; they have been grateful for its smoother transitions , and above all they have discovered analogies with satisfying geometrical forms , the oval , the ellipsoid and the sphere ’ .
4 They have been judicious in storage and , besides , many have died .
5 But most of us experience periods of low self-esteem at different times and some — particularly If they have been unhappy in their early life — seem to be permanently stuck with such a poor impression of themselves and their own worth that ‘ self-esteem ’ is to them just a word which applies to other people more fortunate than themselves .
6 I have sent many patients there and they have been delighted with the treatment and the care they have received on Merseyside .
7 As a result they have been weak in the diplomatic arena .
8 Productivity-enhancing research and development in many lesser developed countries have often been harmful , where they have been accessible to farmers of those areas .
9 With a limited budget it has been difficult to acquire top quality works by artists on the museum 's list , however they have been fortunate in being able to purchase Robert Loder 's ( Honorary Curator of Prints , Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge ) collection of 363 prints , while other works were acquired from Marlborough Fine Art .
10 They have been skilful at going along with , not at question-ing or confronting the routines .
11 If they have been used to rushing home from work or watching the clock during any stolen time with friends , they may find it hard to adapt to the fact that there is no longer any need to hurry back .
12 People live in tents , and customs are so different from what they have been used to , that I really wonder how they reconcile themselves to their new mode of life .
13 Since that time they have been selectively-bred throughout the world to produce the 100 or more different varieties that are available today .
14 They have been successful in bringing in inward investment and greater job opportunities in those countries .
15 They have been vacant for three months .
16 ( Inconveniently , they have been low in Germany , but doubtless German firms ' cheap capital comes from somewhere else . )
17 CCG 's staff services manager Karen Pleva commented : ‘ Once staff got used to adding credit onto their cards , they have been impressed by the time saved .
18 Mr McMillan said : ‘ They have been guilty of what we would not expect from professional people in the late twentieth century .
19 Anyone who believes they have been subject to unfair dismissal can complain to an industrial tribunal .
20 They fit the animal 's information-gathering equipment to particular problems and , presumably , they have been subject to natural selection during evolution .
21 Recently , they have been subject to many what one might call ‘ extraordinary audits ’ , which have been concerned with these matters .
22 By s.24 goods are stolen for the purposes of handling if any one or four conditions is fulfilled : ( a ) they have been stolen contrary to s.1 ; ( b ) they have been obtained by deception contrary to s.15 ; ( c ) they have been obtained by blackmail contrary to s.21 ; ( d ) they have been subject to an act done in a foreign country which was both a crime in that country and had it occurred in England , would have been theft , obtaining by deception , or blackmail in this country .
23 They have been married for five years , confounding sceptics who said it would n't last because of the age difference .
24 They have been married for six years and despite years of tests and trying , have no children .
25 They have been married for two years . ’
26 They have been loyal with their money , as well as their feelings , to the 10m who still live in Greece ; their remittances still cover about a sixth of the trade gap ( see table 4 on next page ) .
27 Each in his time has painted over the inheritance of his predecessor , but the Oak Leaf camps have remained because they have been necessary for each new Czar 's survival .
28 We do n't ask about their past , unless they have been involved in killing people , in which case they can be tried .
29 The requirements for military or test pilots place less emphasis on the number of flying hours required and this is compensated for by the more stringent type of flying they have been involved in ( though it is true that a large proportion of airline pilots learned to fly and served in military aviation before becoming civil pilots ) .
30 They have been involved in various forms of community action designed to protect and regenerate community life and to tackle the social , economic and cultural problems common to both communities — Catholic and Protestant .
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