Example sentences of "they have not [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They are there to see in various books that have been published ; I suppose it is sad that they have n't been seen by a wider opera-going public .
2 They have n't been moved for quite a long time , and it 's funny how buildings which claim to have extraordinary flexibility sometimes turn out to be really quite rigid .
3 He 's gon na find it hard as well I think , but on the other hand they have n't been communicating at all , you know , it 's not like
4 the last six observations of it has , right , the first six observations , sorry the er the first twenty odd observations are real , right , that they have n't been made up but the last six observations have been made up , right , to er to illustrate structural change .
5 It is important to remember that it is not the spelling of individual words that you are trying to teach , but the basic spelling patterns , so that pupils can spell correctly words they have n't been taught but want to write .
6 But clearly they have n't been consulted on preferred locations .
7 But nobody who regularly uses the motorway can say they have n't been warned about the dangers of driver fatigue .
8 They 're not strong enough and they have n't been trained . ’
9 If it 's something silly , that they have n't been trained for , but most jobs you can delegate and they 'll do it just as well as you .
10 They have n't been involved for quite a while so you could n't really expect them to be picked , ’ said Thorstvedt , who is likely to be Norway 's last line of defence on October 14 .
11 For a long time now , they have n't been looking at each other .
12 You know , they have n't been given erm , er , an income regardless of what they produce .
13 They have n't been fed properly , so they 're not very big .
14 They have n't been worn have they ?
15 ‘ By the looks of it , ’ she said , ‘ they have n't been feeding you any too well , where you 've been .
16 No I think it means they do cos they have n't been beaten in group C.
17 Oh they have n't been collected
18 PRAWNS IN DRESSING : Prawns can be very risky if they have n't been kept at the right temperature .
19 Most of his staff are currently on strike because they have n't been paid for two months , so Soliz is going personally to open the new group and give the first lesson .
20 it does n't matter because all of them are as it happens fairly er new and indeed as Kevin says quite correctly , dry because they have n't been used for a long time .
21 And if you look at studies of ‘ community ’ it seems to me that they have n't been resolved .
22 The move is seen as a spur to get IBM working on the case rather than a serious threat : rivals say they have n't been approached to propose alternatives .
23 They have n't been fighting all these years to get rid of communism to see it re-emerge again so you , the confusion continues , as it is in Russia , and then you insinuate the idea that , with the breakdown of social order and so on , you must have a strong man , you must have strong arms and that 's where your Hitlers and your Mussolinis and all these people come through in that little vacuum in between of disorder .
24 They have n't been fighting , they 've been beating Chris up .
25 It it means that they have n't been doing their duty in the winter then .
26 Yeah , 'cos Tizer 's the only one they have n't been doing diet , and I 've been getting really pissed off .
27 They have n't been reviewed for about fifteen years .
28 They have n't been restored or retouched .
29 They have n't been bought for what they are have they ?
30 Some others were fitted a few months ago but they have n't been wired up to the Economy meter and we dare n't use them because we would n't be able to afford the bills . ’
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