Example sentences of "they have [adv] been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is often the case that the specializing groups are of type ( i ) , with formal membership , but they have also been of types ( ii ) and ( iii ) .
2 They have also been to the fore in the planning of opposition to the recent Anglo-Irish talks even though they know that the collapse of those talks will make it very unlikely that the constitutional Catholic Social Democratic and Labour Party will take its place in the Assembly .
3 They have also been among the major victims of the failure of the government 's inner city policies .
4 It is just that they have both been at it too often recently .
5 They have both been to school and like to speak their few words of English when their elders are not looking . )
6 Conflicts of both interest and duty are not new to the City of London ; indeed , they have traditionally been of great concern to financial market regulators .
7 they have n't been for a long time them two so they 're cast off , well they must of been they 've had to join
8 I do n't like the cold snaps but they have n't been for long have they ?
9 Because they have n't been on the market for long , it 's not possible to say how well they 'll stand the test of time .
10 They have n't been in touch with me since so I 'm wondering what they 're going to do about it , ’ said Stuart .
11 And , that chap that lives two below Mrs , they have n't been in very long with
12 It 's funny er when Richard came in the other day and said he 'd been he 'd been to the dentist and you said oh well they have n't been in touch with us yet .
13 They have not been for some time except to people who still remember The Beatles and The Animals .
14 They have not been under the same review process as pension funds where every three years or so managers are changing .
15 The problem is not just that the children have not attended a school where English is taught ; they have not been to a school of any description for years on end .
16 Where they have not been in government ( eg , the ex-communist Party of the Democratic Left in Italy ) , they have profited , being relatively scandal-free .
17 If male doctors have difficulty accepting or understanding this it is probably because they have not been in such powerless positions since childhood .
18 Today the large populations are in varzea rich in fish and turtle protein , much smaller ones on the terra firme , but they have now been in decline for some 500 years since the European invasion .
19 Where economies in Whitehall have been made , they have usually been at the expense of services or functions .
20 They share the fact that they have all been of limited duration but , within that framework , one has been concerned with local skills training , four have involved modules contained within honours degree courses ( Typography and Graphic Communication , Library Science , Publishing and Computer Science respectively ) and one has been at postgraduate level .
21 In contrast , things are very much as they have always been in Wales .
22 Mum and Dad are my greatest fans , but they have never been to a meeting !
23 You may find that older dogs are nervous under these circumstances , if they have never been on a train or bus before , and you should always try to reassure them with your tone of voice .
24 Existing borrowers who have been with the society for five years or more may get a reduction in their interest rate if they have never been in arrears .
25 They have never been in that position before some of them are classic cases of Thatcher 's children .
26 They have obviously been through a very bad time over the last few days and it is n't going to get any better over the next few weeks . ’
27 Most modern houses have very little fortuitous ventilation because improved standards of insulation and draught-proofing have made them much more air-tight than they have ever been in the past .
28 Taxes are higher than they have ever been in this country 's history , and the burden falls disproportionately heavily on lower-income families .
29 Moreover , mystical movements are no more prevalent in the West than they have ever been from the Dionysian rites to the temple of Aimee McPherson .
30 Describing the plight of Somali children , it explains : ’ Many of them have not been in school for several years when they arrive in this country ’ .
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