Example sentences of "they have [been] [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 After all , people have always wanted to do violence to those who stood in their way when they were attempting to commit robberies ; but they have been bound by certain conventions of which they were unaware .
2 Just because they have been disowned by Labour has not stopped them hitching their star to its bandwagon .
3 They have been inspired by a reverence for the so-called ‘ feminine ’ , an essentially patriarchal construct which participates in the whole Madonna/whore syndrome .
4 Our ties with them still matter , though they have been weakened by Australasia 's dependence on the United States for security and by our entry into the EEC .
5 They have been joined by a host of small ‘ micro brewers ’ producing a limited barrelage but adding variety and choice in the genuine free trade .
6 Though it used to be thought that internationalism was the preserve of the large , private corporation , today they have been joined by small firms and many state enterprises .
7 Many of these pioneer voluntary bodies still exist , and they have been joined by large numbers of organizations that have arisen in recent years to tackle the needs of particular groups among the disabled , so that voluntary effort continues to play a major part in meeting the needs of the handicapped .
8 In the public sector , both Queen 's University and the Arts Council of Northern Ireland remain our staunch and indispensable friends — as they have been since the Festival started , and since last year they have been joined by the Belfast City Council .
9 In the meantime , however , many old breeds have already become extinct , largely because they have been absorbed by other breeds .
10 The delicate fondant decorations look like they have been crafted by an expert , yet they are surprisingly easy to master if you follow our simple step-by-step instructions .
11 They have been rewarded by what may be the most remarkable statistic of this election : for the first time since 1966 the party in office has improved its position in Scotland .
12 They have been adopted by the Kite Society who undertook to organise a Rokkaku League for 1987 in the UK , coupled with a supplementary challenge for solo flyers using a smaller Sanjo .
13 The scale of many more recent industrial disputes , together with the manner in which they have been regarded by workers , employers and the state , have made explanations based on pluralism seem less and less plausible .
14 This means they have been inspected by a team of professional experts and the standard of their work has been approved .
15 ‘ Even if I do n't succeed in having the Royal Prerogative exercised in favour of the 307 men , they have been vindicated by the most important court in the land British public opinion , ’ he said .
16 Byelaws made by a local authority are not in force until they have been confirmed by the Secretary of State .
17 They have been confirmed by many other sources since .
18 Furthermore , the auditors can only report on the information which they have been given by the Vendor and if that information is inaccurate ( causing the Accounts to be wrong ) the auditors will not be at fault .
19 They have been savaged by Alice Coleman et al .
20 Damp , cold , rot , decrepitude are as ‘ natural ’ in St Ann 's as is the smoky atmosphere : for all most people know , they have been sent by Providence and must be endured .
21 They have been examined by experts in many different parts of the world .
22 Not only is the official not complaining of the handicaps with which they have been saddled by Howard 's fellow-countrymen — he 's apologizing that they have n't overcome them !
23 Wolverhampton has already submitted two proposals for surplus places and they have been rejected by the Government .
24 And they have been characterized by a Western bias that permeates education in general .
25 They have been written by organisations and individuals including the Women 's Institute and the soroptomists .
26 They have been replaced by lawyers , academics and people with social sciences degrees .
27 Allowances such as the Married Man 's , Single Person 's and Wife 's Earned Income all reflected judgements about different family responsibilities and income requirements , The estimated cost in 1989/90 of these allowances was £26.7 million , but since April 1990 they have been replaced by Independent Taxation ( see below ) .
28 Bad policies in the past may continue to cause problems , long after they have been replaced by good ones .
29 The mythical beasts on the edges of the map have been dispelled , but they have been replaced by the personal dragon of self knowledge ; how will the traveller deal with the test of physical and mental endurance and face the challenge of adventure and danger ?
30 In this upgraded version — 1.2 — not only are Typographica fonts not supplied , but they have been replaced by Adobe Type Manager 2. x and ATM fonts of the same style of the originals .
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