Example sentences of "they still [vb past] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Last night a spokesman for the SO players said they were unhappy with the proposals , although their ballot was not a reflection on the SO management , in whom they still had complete faith .
2 And they still had five wickets in hand .
3 After all , they still had certain cards to play .
4 In fact they still had enough resilience to manage a try from short range by Fisher but another highly satisfactory night for the Kiwis ended with Kuiti scoring in the 79th minute and Bancroft landing his sixth goal .
5 The voiders lingered by the body , however , bright enough to know that they still had some duty to perform with it .
6 They still had more right than she did to own anything her father had left , but she desperately wanted something , something to be able to look at , something to let her know that he really had existed and that he had needed her after all .
7 They still treated each other with caution but each was beginning to respect the other 's professionalism .
8 They still played sickening games that I could n't avoid , like putting sperm on each other 's nose and calling one another Merkin and Muffin , for God 's sake .
9 But they still received some protection from folk like the English kings who found profit in them , and especially from William Rufus , who seems quite sincerely to have disliked the Church 's intolerance ; and the Church itself strongly condemned violent persecution .
10 While the nationalists controlled much of the country they still faced internal challenges .
11 They still regarded these leaders as the main enemy .
12 They were also at the stage when they still found funny voices funny , and Charles had his best audience in years for his Welsh , developed for Under Milk Wood ( ‘ A production which demonstrated everything the theatre can offer , except talent ’ — Nottingham Evening Post ) , his Cornish , as used in Love 's Labour 's Lost ( ‘ Charles Paris 's Costard was about as funny as an obituary notice ’ — New Statesman ) and the voice he had used as a Chinese Broker 's Man in Aladdin ( ‘ My watch said that the show only lasted two and a half hours , so I 've taken it to be repaired ’ — Glasgow Herald ) .
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