Example sentences of "they should [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Little wonder then that those who seek peace ( that is the absence of violence ) between nations as well as within them should look to law as a means of regulating and reducing the international use of force .
2 Charlotte then employed every sign that she knew to tell the other fishermen that none of them should put to sea on that day , to no avail .
3 Sir Gregory had a painful discussion with his wife over how they should react to Pascoe 's snub , in which Lady Roscarrock gave vent to her outrage saying that they had every right to keep both Tristram and Jennifer in custody indefinitely ; but Sir Gregory wanted the whole business settled and finished with , so after a lengthy wrangle he swallowed the family pride and went over to Hill House .
4 As they had hurried their game up in response to the warning , the referee decided that they should go through Kyle and O'Grady .
5 ‘ There are some initiatives going on which interest me , whereby young women who had a child when they were adolescent , and although they love the child , regret very much that they were too young , too immature , and too unsupported to care for it effectively : it 's being suggested that they should go into schools and talk to girls about the glories of motherhood at the right time , but begging them not to embark on it too young .
6 My comments are not meant to seek to prescribe to others how they should go about things , nor are they written in the belief that the ways that I have so painfully worked upon are necessarily the best , or the only ways of doing things .
7 The series ' existence has hitherto only been known to people who visited the late Dollie de Rothschild 's ( died 1988 ) private house in London , but her heir Lord Rothschild has decided that they should go on display next year in Waddesdon Manor , the house she gave to the National Trust during her lifetime .
8 She says they should go to army camps .
9 They decided that they should go to work as no more news could be expected yet and Maureen hurried first to see Sarah .
10 The only logical conclusion was that they should go to bed .
11 Oliver asked whether they should go after Barbara Coleman or wait for the others .
12 They said look , if males can have greater reproductive success than females can , then parents who have some way of knowing that their offspring are gon na be particularly reproductively successful should invest in males , whereas if they have some way of knowing that their offspring are not gon na be particularly reproductively successful , they should invest in females .
13 Richard Ryder , the Party 's Chief Whip , told his deputy , David Heathcote-Amory , that they should meet for coffee in the conference centre at half-time .
14 In theory they should labour in order to stop being workers as soon as possible , thus entering the bourgeois universe .
15 It was finally agreed that local commanders appeared to be using their discretion in a satisfactory manner as to the means used to persuade Jugoslavs that they should return to Jugoslavia , and that it was unwise to make any further interpretation . "
16 The significance of this strikingly worded note is that it was written in full knowledge of the methods already being used by " local commanders " to " persuade Jugoslavs that they should return to Jugoslavia " — ie the " deception " whereby they were allowed to believe that they were being taken to Italy .
17 None of the Labour leaders felt that they should disobey the ruling of Conference that they should return to opposition : and some of them , most notably Morrison , were obviously relishing the prospect of the return to party politics .
18 She deserved better than that they should grow into thugs , and they ultimately let her down by disappointing her dream of two perfect boys .
19 I do not want to let schools off : they should compete in terms of truancy or examination tables .
20 This must surely be an oversight as all teachers agree that as a direct beneficiary of the Society 's efforts they should contribute as members towards its work .
21 This is a figure included to ensure that all three methods yield identical results which , of course , they should do in principle , but which they invariably fail to do in practice because of errors and omissions which arise through imperfect data collection .
22 Instead , they should refer to SCOTVEC 's criteria for approval of a centre when setting up their systems and should discuss the systems that they intend to implement with their systems verifier .
23 I appreciate that the television companies have to get the best shots of the game or we 'd complain about that , but I think they should bear in mind those people who have paid to see the game and , in some cases like mine , travelled a long way to see the match .
24 If Labour Members wish regularly to employ international statistics on investment , they should bear in mind the fact that during the 1970s the average annual growth rate in business investment in the United Kingdom was 2.3 per cent. , against an average of 3.1 per cent .
25 They should burn to death in their shoes .
26 Can you really tell countries like India and China that they should switch from coal to some other , more expensive fuel or spend heavily on cleaning up emissions ?
27 They should arrive at Nottingham this evening .
28 No those 15 trucks and trailers will move from Assab to Desai and they should arrive in Dessi this morning , and then in Desai they 'll have to be transferred to er a certain amount of food to smaller trucks , and we think that the first group of trucks will be just perhaps 5 trucks that will really test the road from Desai up to Waldia in the area controlled by the rebels to see if there really is a safe passage agreement and to see if er there are bridges out on that road or whether there are land mines left on the road , to see if it is actually possible to move food across those lines .
29 That is invoked in other contexts : if a Faraj is attacked by members of Fahmi , they should unite as Ibrahims , and indeed a Faraj would expect the support of the Fadhils in those circumstances .
30 In white hooded overalls and trained for snow warfare , the Commando quickly occupied the two harbours on the westerly island of Moskenesöy , where they found the local Norwegians anxious they should stay in case there were German reprisals .
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