Example sentences of "they could have been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Sharrock family know they 've had a lucky escape ; any one or all of them could have been injured , or even killed , when someone threw a brick at their car from an overhead footbridge .
2 Through him the notion of the responsible use of power by a divinely ordained ruling class was introduced directly into the educational system , and boys were exposed systematically and en masse to an idea which only a few of them could have been counted on to pick up informally at home .
3 But they do occur , and some of them could have been avoided .
4 Well why did n't they get a mile away from where they put that money they could 've , they could 've been planned it away , a mile away all
5 But they could 've been talking about something personal and we would 've heard everything they said .
6 No it 's erm , on , on Monday , on Monday morning they could 've been working
7 He teaches you how to write wonderful , metaphysical narratives , but they could have been written any time this century .
8 If she had also left her name and address they could have been parcelled up and posted to her — but she had n't .
9 In fact , the high quality of iron ore available to the Romans in Britain combined with the use of charcoal fuel in the smelting process , meant that they could have been producing steel which would have given a much harder and sharper edge to the blade than normal iron .
10 They could have been sentenced to five years in prison .
11 Some of the questions were so easy that they could have been answered by a 10-year-old , let alone a student of 16 .
12 This may partly reflect the fact that many aspects of the situation ( road layout , signs , shops etc. ) were deliberately excluded on the basis that they could have been obtained from previous local knowledge .
13 they could have been lost quite easily .
14 They could have been made by the same craftsman .
15 He could tell nothing from their faces ; they could have been made of stone .
16 ‘ What do you think they could have been looking for — the people who ransacked her cottage ? ’
17 It would have been nice to have had somebody so that they could have been turned on together by the faint giggles and murmured conversation coming from upstairs .
18 He argued that teenagers were wasting their opportunities at Dovercourt , keeping the futile hope alive that they would be adopted by rich families and lead a fine life , when they could have been using their time to constructive purpose .
19 In addition , about 20 per cent of projects , mostly larger than average , had little or no additionality ; that is , they could have been implemented by the private sector alone .
20 This is truer of the discourse chapters ( 6 and 7 ) than of the others ; perhaps they could have been expanded .
21 AS the Prince and Princess of Wales sat only a few feet apart in Seoul 's Presidential palace yesterday they could have been mistaken for strangers uncomfortably thrown together .
22 Two men had escaped the inrush but had been trapped in a long section of roadway ; they had lived together in the pitch dark and freezing cold for about 8 days , until overcome by poisonous gas ; there was no way in which they could have been saved in time had their position been known .
23 Geologists , mapping the site , found it difficult to understand how they could have been shaped by the normal forces of erosion .
24 From this it appears that they would have to become unrecognisable as potatoes before they could have been said to have perished .
25 They could have been writing under Stalin : ‘ Life in blocks of apartments … means living under the close scrutiny of your neighbours .
26 Indeed , they could have been altered if the Government had not wasted their bargaining power in attempts to defend the indefensible , attack the trivial and obtain the illusory .
27 A spokesman said they could have been trying to race the MG .
28 They could have been tailored for you .
29 They could have been painted from picture postcards and probably were .
30 Some estates may have received new owners with little change , or they could have been divided and redistributed ; others may have been enlarged with the addition of adjacent lands or groups of estates under a single owner .
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