Example sentences of "they only [vb past] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The 1982 and 1984 BCS between them only uncovered two cases of attempted rape and 17 and 18 sexual assaults respectively ( Jones et al .
2 The Exiles had 5 Internationals in their team , but they only managed one try .
3 They only saw each other .
4 Apart from the fact that I 'd put my make-up on badly in my haste , I looked fairly normal — a bit flushed , maybe , and my eyes seemed unusually bright , but perhaps they only looked that way to me .
5 They were hoping to get their skis and parkers sorted out so that they could get off I think tomorrow but they only got five days skiing cos they leave again , either Sunday morning or Saturday night .
6 It was on the agenda and at seven o'clock the at night they eh they adjourned the meeting cos they only got half way through the agenda
7 But they only lasted eighteen hours .
8 They did n't believe in selling endowments , they only sold whole life you see ?
9 ‘ I think they only knew this morning , and you 've been so busy being cross — ’
10 Sarah complained that in 1990 they only spent 42 nights together — and that was a recipe for trouble .
11 When they could not get gold for their dollars after 1971 ( the US gold stock fell by only $2½ billion over the whole period ) , they only acquired these dollars because they were prepared to sell their own currencies in order to prevent them rising further .
12 They only said these things because I am a woman , and a Catholic , and they do n't want a Catholic queen in Scotland , they want a Protestant king .
13 But they only had one goal to show for all that effort , that came on the half an hour from top goal scorer Martin Foyle .
14 The great Fangio ( Arg ) was also in the Maserati team but they only had one race together as team-mates before Fangio moved on to Mercedes .
15 They only had one objective — to save a few bob for the government .
16 They only had one chance , ’ she says .
17 Some graduates stride to the front of the little hall so easily you would not guess they only had one leg .
18 We had undertaken to collect birds and mammals for the Natural History Museum in London and we soon collected several specimens of blue-winged goose near the Sandfords ' farm ; the museum authorities had asked us specially to look out for this bird since they only had one specimen , collected in 1868 during Napier 's Magdala expedition .
19 So they only had two hours further on to go from The Two Mills then to Hollyhead basically .
20 Outside the platform and er as I said before , it was like , they only had small trains you know , five coaches was the biggest train they had you know .
21 Whether they only had four flats or whether there 's a flat on another block and another block of fours down the road .
22 OK , we kicked off with a win at Chamden , but they only had five men and most of those looked old enough to remember Bolton Wanderers on Match of the Day .
23 They had issued the caution , now they were anxious to get on with the questioning , and they only had six hours from the time of the caution in which to hold her .
24 Luckily we had bought them from friends who ran a nearby saddler 's shop ; unluckily they only had coarse blades in stock for our make of clippers .
25 One commonly heard complaint from relatives is that ‘ I was told she was too disturbed for the council day centre as they could n't stop her from wandering out ’ , yet ‘ The doctor at the day hospital said they only took short-term cases , people who could get better and move on . ’
26 Although they only took 20 minutes to arrive , if George could have given a map reference , as well as his address , they could have got there that much sooner .
27 She suggested they would do better if they only sat five exams and spent the rest of their time on work which could give them a much broader education than just swotting for more GCSEs .
28 They only used this house , called Moor House , in the holidays .
29 No doubt people reckoned that they only needed one pair of sheets , but they were wrong .
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