Example sentences of "they have also [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 More than 30 people arrested at the end of November 1991 are reported to have ‘ disappeared ’ , raising fears that they to have also been killed .
2 Whilst they are very good at what they do , they 've also been riding the same horse for a very long time and the old nag 's starting to show signs of wear .
3 They 've also been recycling vinyl string pouches and have even decided to stop shining up their bronze strings by washing them in acid — still a common procedure for most string manufacturers .
4 They 've also been plastered on walls usually reserved for political propaganda .
5 They had also been joined here by a number of " White " emigres from outside the USSR , that is to say anti-Communists who had gone into exile during or after the Civil War of 1918–20 and had subsequently lived in various European countries .
6 They had also been robbed around the Chinchero ‘ bus stop ’ .
7 Much of the technology used in the Macintosh came via Xerox 's Palo Alto Research Centre where they had also been investigating page printing technology and methods of transferring complex graphics between screens and the printed page .
8 On investigation , it was apparent that the claimant had been unaware of the regulations in this respect , and they had also been overlooked by the supervisor and administrative assistant who were involved in processing the claim .
9 They had also been floating in a jar of pickle in the curiobiological museum down in the cellars of Unseen University , since live salamanders were extinct around the Circle Sea .
10 ‘ Folk ’ tunes , especially of Scottish origin , had long had a strong presence in the North-East regional culture ; and , as in other areas of the country , they had also been taken up by middle-class circles .
11 It is relevant to the theme of this chapter to point out that they have also been called " epieugeosynclines " , that is to say , fault-bounded geosynclines developed on top of old eugeosynclines .
12 They have also been regarded as a topic distinctive to fluid dynamics .
13 In general these rocks have been subjected to high grade metamorphism , have a variable grain size , and occur in north west-south east trending belts , although they have also been recognised as small discontinuous lenses , a few metres in length , intercalated with other gneissic rocks .
14 They have also been connected with the running of the cursus publicus , the empire-wide postal system created by Augustus for carrying official goods and despatches , and the intermediate stations mansiones and mutationes — along its routes .
15 While spherulites are characteristic of crystalline polymers , they have also been observed to form in low molar mass compounds which are crystallized from highly viscous media .
16 I shall not dwell on the comments made by the Leader of the Opposition in 1980 , as they have also been referred to .
17 They have also been constrained by Britain 's geographic location and limited resources .
18 They have also been attacked by the courts , with the result that it is difficult to see what practical effect such clauses might be thought to have .
19 They have also been linked inconclusively with stomach cancer .
20 They have also been known to attack their own reflection in a mirror , so the sight of an imagined owl in the water may be another motive for diving into a trough .
21 They have also been discussed at planning inquiries across the coal fields as mineral planning authorities have come to conflict with both British Coal 's open-cast Executive and the private operators .
22 They have also been associated with a variety of approaches such as self-build schemes , renovations and housing trusts .
23 They have also been commissioned to analyse the workings of the European Coal and steel Programme .
24 As a result they have also been trapped into importing food , an operation with considerable potential for losses , although ameliorated by exchange rate policy .
25 They have also been introduced earlier on measures and Ministers have come forward , as though it is a matter of no significance , to recommend new guillotine procedures , some in novel circumstances .
26 They have also been accused of competing with wild owls for food , and of introducing genetic differences into the wild gene pool .
27 They have also been approached by the inter-church committee , who hope to organise a weekly coffee bar for young people between the ages of 14 and 18 .
28 They have also been told that Sheffield United want a record busting £4m for Brian Deane , but Forest could give Standard Liege striker Shalom Tikva his big chance .
29 I gather that they have also been told not to worry patients by explaining the real reasons for any consequent delay in treatment .
30 Two of them have also been accused to taking the drug ecstasy .
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